Xmodule: Modular Web application development framework

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xmodule 2.8GNU General Publi...5.4PHP 5, Libraries
Description Author

This package is a modular Web application development framework.

It allows the development of Web applications by the means of defining different module classes and view template scripts.

Each loaded module returns an object of the respective module class.

The package comes with several built-in modules but custom modules may be added by the developer when necessary. Currently it provides modules for:

- Database access with drivers for many types of databases
- Application text translation,
- Handle REST API requests
- Manipulate current request URLs
- Manage and authenticate application users
- Load and process view templates

Picture of Mihajlo Siljanoski
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easiest modular PHP framework...

Core modules

Database Database module for easy access database or generating queries via active records. Database connection can be set in app/config.php $db=module('database'); $db will be object with all active records from CodeIgniter Database class <?php

//selecting all posts from posts table
$posts=$db->query("SELECT * FROM posts")->result_array();




//preparing data for insert
    'title'=>'Simple post title',
    'description'=>'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua...',
    'created'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
//inserting record in posts table
    echo 'record inserted in database';



EllisLab, Inc. https://ellislab.com/ Language Language module is for easy adding multilanguage site logic. Language files can be stored in "app/languages/" folder and need to be JSON file. $language=module('language'); $language will return object with all keys of language fales and method for loading diferent language. <?php

//loading language file




//init language module
//loading language file
//adding language keys in $lang variable



<?php echo $lang->welcome; ?> - <?php echo $lang->site_name; ?>



Mihajlo Siljanoski https://mk.linkedin.com/in/msiljanoski Rest Rest module will provide JSON response for API services or ajax calls. $rest=module('rest'); $rest will be an object with "response()" method. <?php

//init rest module

//example of use for regular response
$rest->response(array('msg'=>'User registered!'));




//init rest module

//example of use for error response
$rest->response(array('msg'=>'User already registered!'),false);



Mihajlo Siljanoski https://mk.linkedin.com/in/msiljanoski URL URL module can be used for URL helping, redirections, handling URI segments etc. $url=module('url'); $url will return object with a lot methods. <?php

//init url module

//example of use base_url() method

//will return base path of framework instalation ex. http://localhost/mysite/




//init url module

//example of use current_url() method

//will return current url path of currently opened page 
//ex. http://localhost/mysite/products/school/notebook?id=1




//init url module

//example of use site_url() method

//will return base path with page URI path 
//ex. http://localhost/mysite/products/school




//init url module

//example of use redirect() method
if(/check for logged user/){
    //some code




//init url module

//example of use segment() method

//if we have url like this http://mypage.com/category/products/school/notebook/cart
//$url_segment will be notebook , 5 will be cart, 2 will be products etc...




Mihajlo Siljanoski https://mk.linkedin.com/in/msiljanoski User With User module you can do a lot of things associated with users functionalities. $user=module('user'); $user object will contains following methods: <?php

//init user module , this also will create 2 tables in databse for users

//example for creating new user

$new_user = $user->create(
        'username' => 'testuser',
        'password' => 't35tp@$w0rd',
        //'role'=>'admin',//optional default is 'user'
        'more' => array(  //optional if you like to add dynamicly more infos about that user
            'email'=> 'john.smith@example123.mk',
            'name' => 'John',
            'surname' => 'Smith',
            'address' => 'Partizanski Odredi bb',
            'city' => 'Skopje',
            'country' => 'Macedonia',
            'another_field' => 'bla bla 1',
            'and_another_field' => 'bla bla 2'

//now printing inserted user data in database.
//note: password will be stored in db as an md5 hash string 




//init user module 

//example for updaing existing user.., very similar as insert
//first parametar is user_id we want to update

        'another_field'=>false,//to delete from more
        'surname'=>'Smith',//to delete from more

//now printing updated user data in database.




//init user module 

//example for deleting existing user..
//first parametar is user_id we want to delete





//init user module 

//example for fatching user/s data from db..
//first parametar is user_id we want to fatch

$oneUser = $user->get(7);


//example if we like to fatch all users with role "admin"

$users = $user->get('admin','role');





//init user module 

//example for using "is_logged", "auth" and "get_auth_user" methods..
        echo 'auth failed!';




//init user module 

//init url module

//example for using "destroy" user session method..




Mihajlo Siljanoski https://mk.linkedin.com/in/msiljanoski View View module can be used for loading view or parts of view on some page. $view=module('view'); $view will return object with a 2 methods: "load" and "get". Every method has 2 arguments: path to template file and data needs on view. <?php

//init view module

//example of use get() method
$content=$view->get('themes/dark/header.php',array('title'=>'Example website'));
echo $content

//example of use load() method
$view->load('themes/dark/header.php',array('content'=>'...example content...'));



Mihajlo Siljanoski https://mk.linkedin.com/in/msiljanoski

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageapp (1 file, 3 directories)
Files folder imagecache (1 directory)
Files folder imagenbproject (2 files)
Files folder imagesystem (1 file, 3 directories)
Files folder imagethemes (1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file .htaccess Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Output Sample output
Accessible without login Plain text file README.md Data Auxiliary data

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