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File: system/modules/user/info.xml

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File: system/modules/user/info.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Xmodule
Modular Web application development framework
Author: By
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Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,676 bytes



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<module> <name>User</name> <description>With User module you can do a lot of things associated with users functionalities.</description> <example> <init>$user=module('user');</init> <return>$user object will contains following methods:</return> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module , this also will create 2 tables in databse for users $user=module('user'); //example for creating new user $new_user = $user->create( array( 'username' => 'testuser', 'password' => 't35tp@$w0rd', //'role'=>'admin',//optional default is 'user' 'more' => array( //optional if you like to add dynamicly more infos about that user 'email'=> '', 'name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Smith', 'address' => 'Partizanski Odredi bb', 'city' => 'Skopje', 'country' => 'Macedonia', 'another_field' => 'bla bla 1', 'and_another_field' => 'bla bla 2' ) ) ); //now printing inserted user data in database. //note: password will be stored in db as an md5 hash string print_r($new_user); ?> </pre> </code> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module $user=module('user'); //example for updaing existing user.., very similar as insert //first parametar is user_id we want to update $updateduser=$user->update(7,array( 'more'=>array( 'another_field'=>false,//to delete from more 'surname'=>'Smith',//to delete from more 'name'=>'George' ) )); //now printing updated user data in database. print_r($updateduser); ?> </pre> </code> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module $user=module('user'); //example for deleting existing user.. //first parametar is user_id we want to delete $user->delete(4); ?> </pre> </code> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module $user=module('user'); //example for fatching user/s data from db.. //first parametar is user_id we want to fatch $oneUser = $user->get(7); print_r($users); //example if we like to fatch all users with role "admin" $users = $user->get('admin','role'); print_r($users); ?> </pre> </code> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module $user=module('user'); //example for using "is_logged", "auth" and "get_auth_user" methods.. if(!$user->is_logged()){ if($user->auth('testuser','t35tp@$w0rd')){ print_r($user->get_auth_user()); } else{ echo 'auth failed!'; } } ?> </pre> </code> <code> <pre> <?php //init user module $user=module('user'); //init url module $url=module('url'); //example for using "destroy" user session method.. if($url->segment(2)=='logout'){ $user->destroy(); $url->redirect('user/login'); } ?> </pre> </code> </example> </module> <author> <name>Mihajlo Siljanoski</name> <web></web> </author>