PHP Classes

Generación de Codigo de Barra en invitación: Debo incluir codigo de barra en invitación

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Generación de Codigo de Barra en invitación


by Mauricio Alvarez Bley - 22 days ago (2017-06-02)

Debo incluir codigo de barra en invitación

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Se deberá incorporar un código de barras en tarjeta de invitación a un evento.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Barcode 128 Generator: Generating Code 128 bar code images

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse Reputation 1410 - Yesterday (2017-06-23) Comment

This class can be used to generate bar code images according to Code 128 standard.

It generates an image that represents the bars and digits of a given bar code.

The image size, text font, font size, text spacing, border width and border spacing are configurable details.

The font size can be automatically adjusted to fit the image size. The class can optionally generate EAN style bar code images.

Recommend package