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Google custom search api: Connect google search API to my software

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Google custom search api


Picture of kunjan arora by kunjan arora - 3 days ago (2016-08-10)

Connect google search API to my software

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I want to connect google custom search API in my software in back end without clients knowing that the result is coming from google.

Kindly help me how to connect it to my software. It is in PHP.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Google Custom Search API: Search for keywords using Google Custom Search API

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 15025 - 9 hours ago (2016-08-13) Comment

This package is precisely for that. Performing searches with the official Google search API.

There is also a tutorial on using Google Search API from PHP that explains how this class works.

Recommend package