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mlm dynamic binary tree code in PHP and MySQL: mlm dynamic binary tree

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mlm dynamic binary tree code in PHP and MySQL

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of vishwash by vishwash - 2 months ago (2015-12-06)

mlm dynamic binary tree

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.


I would like to build a MLM dynamic binary tree using PHP and MySQL.

  • 5 Clarification requests
  • 8. Picture of Bharat Parmar by Bharat Parmar - 2 months ago (2015-12-12) Reply

    Would you please tell me what is your requirements for the MLM ? I have worked over 3 years on Revenue Sharing, Matrix, Cycler and MLM script in PHP. Is that any product based or anything else ? As well how many level do you want to make a matrix ? which type of matrix you want ?

    • 7. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 2 months ago (2015-12-10) Reply

      Just finished a dynamic mlm binary plan class for this request.

      It will be available as soon as it is approved.

      • 3. Picture of adeniyi ibraheem by adeniyi ibraheem - 2 months ago (2015-12-08) Reply

        If I get you well, mlm dynamic binary tree is just like a 2 X 2 binary. I don't think you can get a package of that kind as open source only if you want to create yours and make it open source.

        • 2. Picture of Gerry Danen by Gerry Danen - 2 months ago (2015-12-08) Reply

          I would think any MLM company would not share their code for fear of competitors using it. I have been part of an MLM and information was either to be shared or not, strictly regulated. Perhaps you could explain in more detail what exactly you are looking for, and what your purpose is?

          • 4. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 2 months ago (2015-12-08) in reply to comment 2 by Gerry Danen Comment

            The binary structure is where each member has only 2 members in their immediate downline. This creates a left leg and a right leg. Each of those members also have left and right leg, and so on through the downline.

            An individual receives a share of the profits from all downline members that branch off of his legs.

          • 5. Picture of Gerry Danen by Gerry Danen - 2 months ago (2015-12-08) in reply to comment 4 by Dave Smith Comment

            In the MLM I was involved with, there can only be ONE upline, but one or more downline members. The number of downline members may be restricted by company policy.

          • 6. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 2 months ago (2015-12-08) in reply to comment 5 by Gerry Danen Comment

            Well, in the binary plan the member can only have a left and right leg with an infinite number of levels in the downline. This is what the requester is looking for. The dynamic portion is that the spillover (when a member recruits more than 2 other members) is automatically assigned to the left leg of the last member in the downline.

        • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 2 months ago (2015-12-06) Reply

          I was not able to locate any package on here for multi level marketing. A complete commercial package would include the reps, products and financial modules, however I think a level tree for the reps is certainly doable. We'll see if this request becomes featured or if someone else has better searching skill than mine and actually finds one.

          Ask clarification

          1 Recommendation

          PHP MLM Tree Binary Plan: Manage members of a MLM tree binary plan

          This recommendation solves the problem.
          This recommendation does not solve the problem.


          Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith package author package author Reputation 5955 - 2 months ago (2015-12-10) Comment

          This script will manage the reps in a binary plan.

          Recommend package