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Access data base: Pre-written PHP MySQL functions class

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Access data base


Picture of ajax by ajax - 7 months ago (2015-07-09)

Pre-written PHP MySQL functions class

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I would like a recommendation for a class with pre-written functions for accessing a MySQL database.

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2 Recommendations

Short Code CRUD: Perform CRUD operations on MySQL table records

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Bharat Parmar by Bharat Parmar package author package author Reputation 170 - 2 months ago (2015-12-12) Comment

This class has all the functions which can be used for the database iteration with very short and simple code.

Database Manager: Connect and query several databases using PDO

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Samuel Adeshina by Samuel Adeshina package author package author Reputation 775 - 7 months ago (2015-07-10) Comment

This class acts as wrapper for database objects using PDO. It can be used to query or retrieve information from a MySQL database or any other DB management system you could think of. It uses the PDO extension so you don't have to worry about query compatibility across db systems.

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