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Import a file more of 60000 records in a MySQL database: I need to import dbf file or Excel file

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Import a file more of 60000 records in a MySQL database


Picture of sheyda by sheyda - 7 months ago (2015-06-24)

I need to import dbf file or Excel file

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I need to search in my SQL database, so I need to import a file with more than 60000 records.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 7 months ago (2015-06-24) Reply

    are you able to produce a file in .csv (comma separated values) format?

    If not, then you will need 2 classes. One to convert the excel file to .csv and another to import the csv data into the mysql database.

    I was not able to locate a single class on here that does both.

    If memory allocated to PHP on the server is an issue, then you will need a class that uses generators to read the file.

    • 2. Picture of sheyda by sheyda - 7 months ago (2015-06-27) in reply to comment 1 by Dave Smith Comment

      Can you say the name of the class?

    • 3. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 7 months ago (2015-06-27) in reply to comment 2 by sheyda Comment

      Dave suggested that you use two classes: one to convert the Excel file to .csv and another to import the csv data into the MySQL database. Which one do you need more?

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