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Map database records to objects: Store and retrieve objects without writing native SQL again

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Map database records to objects


Picture of Yazan Tommalieh by Yazan Tommalieh - 7 months ago (2015-06-21)

Store and retrieve objects without writing native SQL again

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I would like a class that allows you to use objects to perform database operations (ORM). It should simplify database handling and data manipulation to make it much easier.

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3 Recommendations

Caribu ORM: Map objects to databases records using annotations

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Maik Greubel by Maik Greubel package author package author Reputation 110 - 7 months ago (2015-07-06) Comment

Caribu provides annotation based database table to php object mappings. Feel free to ask if something is unclear.

Database ORM Builder: Generate MySQL Object Relational Mapping classes

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Anthony Amolochitis by Anthony Amolochitis package author package author Reputation 325 - 7 months ago (2015-07-01) Comment

I wrote this class that builds the php code to supply basic wrappers for select, insert, update, and delete if the tables have an primary index. I use this class to build a class library for all my databases. It provides a consistent means to access your data from mysql.

Classes that are built are field, data, and query classes. The variables that represent the row columns are also type hinted so netbeans IDE can display the type and size of the field. I'm not sure if other IDE's will display it. Maybe eclipse will.

The example usage is at the bottom of the class. It is written a bit on the dirty side, but it works fast. If you have 80 tables, your code will be written in about a minute. Imagine writing all the class wrappers for 80 tables in a database.

Anyways, if you have issues using it, you can use the support option, and I'll respond.

DB Accelerator: Map MySQL table records to objects using MySQLi

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 5955 - 7 months ago (2015-06-21) Comment

Looks like you are trying to recommend your own package, so here it is.

There are plenty of ORM database mappers out there, is this the best one? I will let the other authors add theirs and we will see.

Recommend package