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CRUD list export to excel: List that has a search, sort and and an export button to excel

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CRUD list export to excel


Picture of David Tobrise by David Tobrise - 8 months ago (2015-05-28)

List that has a search, sort and and an export button to excel

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I would like to generate a listing that has a search, sort and and an export button to a file in Excel format.

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1 Recommendation

MySql To Excel: Export data from a MySQL database to Excel files

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Samuel Adeshina by Samuel Adeshina Reputation 775 - 7 months ago (2015-07-05) Comment

This class can be used to export the result of an sql query into an Excel spreadsheet

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of David Tobrise by David Tobrise - 2 months ago (2015-12-09) Reply

    Thanks a million

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