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Check if a persons mailing address has changed: Example of a call to check if usps mailing address is current

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Check if a persons mailing address has changed

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Picture of Gregory Nelson by Gregory Nelson - 10 months ago (2015-03-25)

Example of a call to check if usps mailing address is current

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I have customers of an online application that require them to send a mailing to several thousand people.

I would like PHP script where I provide a current name and address and the return is the new name and address if an address change has been processed by the post office within the last year.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 6 months ago (2015-08-16) Reply

    I don't think USPS knows the address of people.

    Looking at their APIs they can only map addresses to zip codes.

    Or are you using some other API to figure the people address?

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