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What is the best PHP genetic algorithm class?: Genetic algorithm for chromosome representation

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What is the best PHP genetic algorithm class?

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Picture of hakeem by hakeem - 1 year ago (2015-02-10)

Genetic algorithm for chromosome representation

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I want to know how I can define the constraint I am having, i.e. Subject or period.

It should not clash within a particular section (if taken by one teacher).

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Matthew Knowlton by Matthew Knowlton - 11 months ago (2015-03-16) Reply

    This does not provide alot of detail as to what you are looking for.

    Are you looking for an example of how they are implemented (as an example to a class of students you are teaching)? Or do you have a project in mind for it?

    If you have a project in mind for it the chances of getting exactly what you need without giving a basic understanding of what you want to do are small.

    • 2. Picture of hakeem by hakeem - 9 months ago (2015-05-11) in reply to comment 1 by Matthew Knowlton Comment

      Am sorry for not replying for this long. Actually it was a project am working. I just want to no how i can define the constrain am having i.e Subject/period should not clash within a particular section(if taken by one teacher) I have started the implementation but is not as functional as i want. although i was using java. I can send u the code if u want. Thnkx

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