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What is the best PHP convert pdf to html class?: Need to convert PDF to HTML or format to embed in Web site

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What is the best PHP convert pdf to html class?

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Picture of Sabbir Hossen by Sabbir Hossen - 1 year ago (2015-01-13)

Need to convert PDF to HTML or format to embed in Web site

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I need to convert a PDF file to HTML or any other format, so that I can embed or somehow display on my Web site and the users can read the file.

I tried to use jQuery media plugin but it has to download the file as it is integrated with Adobe Flash Player.

So I need a script or system to convert a PDF file into HTML for using it on my website. I want create a dynamic website. So please recommend me on how can I do this.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2015-01-27) Reply

    Nowadays most browsers can display PDF documents using either built-in support into the browser or external programs.

    However, if you really want to do it on the server side, you would need a complex parser package that understands the PDF format and can extract structured information that can be translated into HTML.

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    1 Recommendation

    PDF to JPG (Flip book): Convert PDF files to JPEG images using ImageMagick

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Alex F. Bustos by Alex F. Bustos Reputation 50 - 10 months ago (2015-03-26) Comment

    While this package generates a folder with images and xml gallery file, you can use some of the jQuery and jQueryUI examples to make a carousel of these images (or using the xml), as a pdf web reader like Issuu. Also there's many packages that returns the text too, searching for "pdf" and index the text parsed, looking for "pdf" in the search box of this page :)

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