WordStore v1.1.1

This class (GGG\WordStore) allows one to create a language dictionary, by adding words and their translations, both of which can be searched for and retrieved after adding, in addition to custom parameters.
How to use 'WordStore'
Install via Composer...
composer require gavinggordon/wordstore
Include autoload.php...
include_once( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' );
Create new instance...
// new WordStore(
// @var string $dictionary_file optional
// default value = 'dictionary.json'
// );
// returns $self;
$json_dictionary_file = __DIR__ . '/myDictionary.json';
// optionally, override the default name to be used for the .json
// dictionary file, where all the related word data will be stored
$wordstore = new GGG\WordStore( $json_dictionary_file );
// creates dictionary file, if it doesn't already exist
Adding a word...
// WordStore->add(
// @var string $part_of_speech required
// possible values =
// 'adjective' || 'adverb' || 'article' || 'interjection' ||
// 'noun' || 'pronoun' || 'personalpronoun' ||
// 'preposition' || 'punctuation' || 'verb'
// @var string $word required
// possible values = *
// @var array $params required
// possible values = *
// );
// returns $self;
$wordstore->add( 'noun', 'friend', ['translation'=>'vuča','gender'=>'conditional'] );
Finding a word...
// WordStore->find(
// @var string $value required
// possible values = *
// @var string $part_of_speech optional
// default value = NULL
// possible values =
// 'adjective' || 'adverb' || 'article' || 'interjection' ||
// 'noun' || 'pronoun' || 'personalpronoun' ||
// 'preposition' || 'punctuation' || 'verb'
// @var string $param optional
// default value = 'word'
// possible values = *
// );
// returns $found Array || FALSE;
$word = $wordstore->find( 'friend' );
print_r( $word );
// Array
// (
// [0] => stdClass Object
// (
// [word] => friend
// [translation] => vuča
// [gender] => conditional
// )
// );
Updating a word...
// WordStore->update(
// @var string $newvalue required
// possible values = *
// @var string $oldvalue required
// possible values = *
// @var string $part_of_speech optional
// default value = NULL
// possible values =
// 'adjective' || 'adverb' || 'article' || 'interjection' ||
// 'noun' || 'pronoun' || 'personalpronoun' ||
// 'preposition' || 'punctuation' || 'verb'
// @var string $param optional
// default value = 'word'
// possible values = *
// );
// returns $self;
$wordstore->update( 'buddy', 'friend' );
$word = $wordstore->find( 'buddy' );
// Array
// (
// [0] => stdClass Object
// (
// [word] => buddy
// [translation] => vuča
// [gender] => conditional
// )
// );