PHP Classes

OpenCart Large Sitemap Generator: Generate multiple sitemaps for OpenCart site

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
StarStarStarStar 64%Total: 288 All time: 7,454 This week: 195Up
Version License PHP version Categories
opencart-sitemap 1.0.3Public Domain5.4XML, PHP 5, E-Commerce, SEO
Description Author

This package can generate multiple sitemaps for OpenCart site.

It can generate a main sitemap file pointing to a list of sitemap files that it also generates to list all pages of the different types of pages of the OpenCart site like pages about information, manufacturers, categories, and products.

For products, it can generate multiple sitemap files so each one does not exceed a limit that could not be accepted by search engines.

The resulting sitemap files are compressed at the end to take less time to download.

The basic Opencart extension feed for sitemap genartion is failed. It collects all product and output into one variable with a not an optimal database query. The result of processing is always a 500 server error or a not optimal huge xml file if you are lucky. My class helps to provide a solution. It generates a sitemap index file and many piece of zip compressed sitemap xml. Each file is not larger than 10 Mbyte so the bots can process easier than before. The script can run standalone and you can set a cron job. See: sitemap_genartor.php
Just copy the script and the folder into the webshop root. It works with 1.5.x versions.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2016
Number 16
OpenCart is a PHP application used by e-commerce sites to list and sell products. A OpenCart site can list many products.

This class can generate sitemap files for all pages of a OpenCart site, limiting the number of page URLs per sitemap file, so it does not exceed the limits of accepted by search engines.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Istvan Dobrentei
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 9x

Winner: 1x



The basic Opencart extension feed for sitemap genartion is failed. It collects all product and output into one variable with a not an optimal database query. The result of processing is always a 500 server error or a not optimal huge xml file if we are lucky. Our class helps to provide a solution. It generates a sitemap index file and many piece of zip compressed sitemap xml. Each file is not larger than 10 Mbyte so the bots can process easier than before. The script can run standalone and you can set a cron job. See: sitemap_genartor.php Just copy the script and the folder into the webshop root. It works with 1.5.x versions.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagescripts (1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Auxiliary data
Plain text file sitemap_generator.php Class Class source

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:0
All time:7,454
This week:195Up
User Ratings User Comments (1)
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very good work
5 years ago (Marton jozsef)

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