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معنى لزاز
تاج العروس - (ج 1 / ص 3800)
Ù„Ùزازٌ : Ùرَسٌ للنبيّ٠صلّى الله تعالى عليه وسلَّم سÙمّÙÙŠ به لشÙدَّة٠تَلَزّÙزÙÙ‡ واجتماع٠خَلْقÙÙ‡ وهي التي أَهْدَاها المÙقَوْقÙس٠مَلÙك٠الإسكَندرÙيَّة مع مارÙÙŠÙŽØ©ÙŽ القÙبْطÙيَّة .
install folder contain
lezaz~func(parm1,parm2) // for function call and echo result its mean func(parm1,parm2)
lezaz#id // echo value for lezaz syntax use id its mean $lezaz_id
lezaz#id[parm] // echo value for lezaz syntax use id parameter its mean $lezaz_id[parm]
lezaz$parm // echo $parm from php files its mean $parm
lezaz$parm[item] // echo array item from $parm using in php files its mean $parm[item]
lezaz:func(parm) // echo result from lezaz class its mean $lezaz->func(parm)
lezaz:get(param) = $_GET[param]
lezaz:post(param) = $_POST[param]
lezaz:cons(param) = param
lezaz:sess(param) = $_SESSION[param]
lezaz:sess(param,key) = $_SESSION[param][key]
>>>setting file in theme folder with name setting.ini
$lezaz->setting('bassamxz') // get setting
$lezaz->setting('bassamxz','defult value') // get setting , if not exist then print defult value.
$lezaz->setsetting('bassamxz','xxcc'); // add setting
$lezaz->setsetting('bassamxz'); // remove setting
Attribute Description Default
id referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id Null
condition condition if syntax 1==1
pass return this value if pass 1
fail return this value if fail 0
print print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes 0
inside code you can use <lezaz_else/>
<lezaz:if id='myid' condition="lezaz$parm==1" pass="yes" fail="no" print="false"/>
<lezaz:if id='myid' condition="lezaz$parm==1" pass="yes" fail="no" print="false">
the value for $parm = lezaz$parm and its 1 <br>
the value for $parm = lezaz$parm and its not 1
the result for if syntax is lezaz#myid
Attribute Description Default
id referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id Null
condition condition for syntax you can use $i as primary $i<=to
from start count for from 1
to end count for 10
step number of step jump 0
print print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes 0
inside code you can use lezaz#id to print for value repete
<lezaz:for id='idfor' from="5" to="100" step="5"/>
<lezaz:for id="idfor" from='3' condition='$i<lezaz:get(bass)' to='27' step='1' print='false'>
lezaz#idfor <br>
the result syntax is lezaz#idfor as last value for this variable
Attribute Description Default
id referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id Null
file template file to include Null
param1 you can use parameter to set before including file Null
<lezaz:block file="header_en" param1="bassam" param2="ahmad"/>
<lezaz:block id='myid' file="{template}folder/"/>
Attribute Description Default
id referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id Null
sql SQL syntax null
limit number of rows to show null
multipage for using pagination value = true false
print print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes 0
counter initial value for counter parameter 1
inside code you can use lezaz#id[field] >> print field value
lezaz#id_num >> print number of rows
lezaz#id_counter >> print counter for this row or last counter if use after colse sql
lezaz#id_multipage >> show paginition
<lezaz:sql id='myid' sql="select * from table where id=lezaz$parm" limit="1" print="true"/>
<lezaz:sql id='myid' sql="select * from table where id=lezaz$parm" limit="1">
the value of field name = lezaz#myid[name] <br>
Attribute Description Default
id referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id Null
array array parameter without $ or $_SESSION Null
type type of array use session for $_SESSION['array'] variable you can use session,server,get,post,cookie,request,variable
counter initial value for counter parameter 1
inside code you can use
lezaz#id_key to print key item
lezaz#id_value to print value item
lezaz#id_counter to print counter item
<lezaz:each id='ideach' array="variable1" type="session" counter="5" />
<lezaz:each id='ideach' array="variable1" type="session" counter="5">
lezaz#ideach_counter: lezaz#ideach_key => lezaz#ideach_value <br>
the result syntax for lezaz#ideach is true if there is at least 1 item in array
Attribute Description Default
dir import all files from this dir Null
type css/js Null
compress to compress all files in one Null
* 1 >> without compress
* 2 >> with compress
sort fort import files ASC DESC ASC
inside code you can use list of file to import link like
* {theme}js/jquery.js ; //inside theme folder use js folder then file
* js/jquery.js; //same apove coz defult directory is theme
* {template}admin/js/file.js; // inside template folder use admin folder then js file
TODO: * url: -> {theme}js/file.js ;//check if url valid and return 200 then import else import from your server
<lezaz:import dir='js' type="css"/>
<lezaz:import dir='js' type="css">
url: -> css/file2.css
Attribute Description Default
type text,password,select,check,radio,button,submit,reset,textarea,date, text
id referance for this input use like lezaz#id, if there is no attr name we wll use id as name null
value its a value!
label label text if no attr label we wll not add label element!
size number from 1:12 defult is 9 , this is size of this element
sizegroup number from 1:12 defult is 12 , this is size of groub form for this element
validation >>
optional or o: Only validate when the field is not empty
required or r: Field is required
length[100] or l : Between x and y characters allowed
Max:7 or M: Set the maximum chr
min:7 : Set the minimum chr
confirm[fieldID] c: Match the other field (ie:confirm[password] or c[password])
telephone or t: Match telephone regEx rule.
email or e: Match email regEx rule.
number or n: Numbers only
nospecialcaracters or s: No special characters allowed
letter : Letters only
exemptString : Will not validate if the string match
date or d: date format Ex. d[yy,dd,mm:datehere]
regx : regular expression use like rege:^[a-z\ \']+
placeholder normal
icon icon for element from awsomefont
help show button for help , when press this attr value wll show Null
msgvalidation if fail validation this msg wll show Null
<lezaz:input id='myid' type="text" label="text" value="x" size="9" validation="r"/>
color : info2,purple,pink,light,yellow,grey,white | grey
size : xlg,mini,minier,sm | sm width-auto
border: true,false or 1,0 | 1
hover : true,false or 1,0 | 1
option : bold,round,app | Null
icon : {fontawsome fa-check} like check,trash-o,bigger-160 | Null , left if not null
icon-right : {fontawsome fa-check} like check,trash-o,bigger-160 | Null , left if not null
<lezaz:input type="button" color="info2" size="xlg"/> |