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lezaz: Template engine that compiles tags into PHP code

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Version License PHP version Categories
lezaz 1.0The PHP License5.0PHP 5, Databases, Templates, Compression, C...
Description Author

This package implements a template engine that compiles tags into PHP code.

It can process templates with special tags that may appear in template files and compiles them into PHP scripts that once executed produce the template engine output.

The tags and processed by plugin scripts that extend the template engine functionality. Currently it supports plugins to:

- Include additional templates
- Iterate over array template variables
- Evaluate conditions and process template sections according to the condition results
- Import CSS and JavaScript to the HTML output with support to compress the CSS and JavaScript
- Include raw PHP code
- Iterate over the results of given SQL query


Meta Symbol replacement in text
I need to take a piece of text and replace certain symbols in it

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معنى لزاز
تاج العروس - (ج 1 / ص 3800)
لِزازٌ : فرَسٌ للنبيِّ صلّى الله تعالى عليه وسلَّم سُمِّي به لشِدَّةِ تَلَزُّزِه واجتماعِ خَلْقِه وهي التي أَهْدَاها المُقَوْقِسُ مَلِكُ الإسكَندرِيَّة مع مارِيَةَ القِبْطِيَّة . 

install folder contain 

lezaz~func(parm1,parm2) // for function call and echo result  its mean  func(parm1,parm2) 
lezaz#id // echo value for lezaz syntax use id  its mean $lezaz_id
lezaz#id[parm] // echo value for lezaz syntax use id parameter  its mean  $lezaz_id[parm]
lezaz$parm // echo $parm from php files  its mean $parm 
lezaz$parm[item] // echo array item from $parm using in php files  its mean $parm[item] 
lezaz:func(parm) // echo result from lezaz class its mean $lezaz->func(parm)
    lezaz:get(param) = $_GET[param]
    lezaz:post(param) = $_POST[param]
    lezaz:cons(param) = param
    lezaz:sess(param) = $_SESSION[param]
    lezaz:sess(param,key) = $_SESSION[param][key]


>>>setting file in theme folder with name setting.ini
$lezaz->setting('bassamxz') // get setting
$lezaz->setting('bassamxz','defult value') // get setting , if not exist then print defult value.
$lezaz->setsetting('bassamxz','xxcc'); // add setting
$lezaz->setsetting('bassamxz'); // remove setting

Attribute	Description        Default
id           referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id             Null
condition    condition if syntax                                     1==1
pass         return this value if pass                               1
fail         return this value if fail                               0
print        print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes   0

inside code you can use <lezaz_else/> 

<lezaz:if id='myid' condition="lezaz$parm==1" pass="yes" fail="no" print="false"/>

<lezaz:if id='myid' condition="lezaz$parm==1" pass="yes" fail="no" print="false">
the value for $parm = lezaz$parm and its 1 <br>
the value for $parm = lezaz$parm and its not 1
the result for if syntax is lezaz#myid

  Attribute	Description        Default
  id         referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id             Null
  condition  condition for syntax you can use $i as primary          $i<=to
  from       start count for from                                    1
  to         end count for                                           10
  step       number of step jump                                     0
  print        print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes 0

  inside code you can use lezaz#id to print for value repete

  <lezaz:for id='idfor' from="5" to="100" step="5"/>

  <lezaz:for id="idfor" from='3' condition='$i<lezaz:get(bass)' to='27' step='1' print='false'>
  lezaz#idfor <br>
  the result syntax is lezaz#idfor as last value for this variable

  Attribute	Description        Default
  id         referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id             Null
  file       template file to include                                Null
  param1     you can use parameter to set before including file      Null

    <lezaz:block file="header_en" param1="bassam" param2="ahmad"/>
    <lezaz:block id='myid' file="{template}folder/"/>


Attribute	Description        Default
id           referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id                   Null
sql          SQL syntax                                                    null
limit        number of rows to show                                        null
multipage    for using pagination value = true                             false      
print        print result attr if value = any pass like 1,true,yes         0
counter      initial value for counter parameter                           1

inside code you can use lezaz#id[field] >> print field value
                        lezaz#id_num >> print number of rows 
                        lezaz#id_counter >> print counter for this row or last counter if use after colse sql
                        lezaz#id_multipage >> show paginition

<lezaz:sql id='myid' sql="select * from table where id=lezaz$parm" limit="1" print="true"/>

<lezaz:sql id='myid' sql="select * from table where id=lezaz$parm" limit="1">
the value of field name = lezaz#myid[name] <br>


  Attribute	Description        Default
  id         referance for this syntax use like lezaz#id             Null
  array      array parameter without $ or $_SESSION                  Null
  type       type of array use session for $_SESSION['array']        variable  you can use session,server,get,post,cookie,request,variable
  counter    initial value for counter parameter                     1

  inside code you can use
  lezaz#id_key to print key item
  lezaz#id_value to print value item
  lezaz#id_counter to print counter item

  <lezaz:each id='ideach' array="variable1" type="session" counter="5" />

  <lezaz:each id='ideach' array="variable1" type="session" counter="5">
  lezaz#ideach_counter: lezaz#ideach_key =>  lezaz#ideach_value <br>
  the result syntax for lezaz#ideach is true if there is at least 1 item in array


  Attribute	Description        Default
  dir    import all files from this dir                           Null
  type         css/js                                             Null
  compress     to compress all files in one                       Null
 * 1   >> without compress 
 * 2   >> with compress                  
  sort        fort import files ASC DESC                          ASC

  inside code you can use list of file to import link like
 * {theme}js/jquery.js ; //inside theme folder use js folder then file 
 * js/jquery.js; //same apove coz defult directory is theme 
 * {template}admin/js/file.js; // inside template folder use admin folder then js file
  TODO: * url: -> {theme}js/file.js ;//check if url valid and return 200 then import else import from your server

  <lezaz:import dir='js' type="css"/>
  <lezaz:import dir='js' type="css">
  url: -> css/file2.css

  Attribute	Description        Default
  type        text,password,select,check,radio,button,submit,reset,textarea,date,                             text
  id          referance for this input use like lezaz#id, if there is no attr name we wll use id as name      null
  value       its a value!
  label       label text if no attr label we wll not add label element!
  size        number from 1:12 defult is 9 , this is size of this element
  sizegroup   number from 1:12 defult is 12 , this is size of groub form for this element
  validation >>
  optional or o: Only validate when the field is not empty
  required or r: Field is required
  length[100] or l : Between x and y characters allowed
  Max:7 or M: Set the maximum chr
  min:7 : Set the minimum chr
  confirm[fieldID] c: Match the other field (ie:confirm[password] or c[password])
  telephone or t: Match telephone regEx rule.
  email or e: Match email regEx rule.
  number or n: Numbers only
  nospecialcaracters or s: No special characters allowed
  letter : Letters only
  exemptString : Will not validate if the string match
  date or d:  date format Ex. d[yy,dd,mm:datehere]
  regx : regular expression use like rege:^[a-z\ \']+
  placeholder   normal
  icon          icon for element from awsomefont
  help          show button for help , when press this attr value wll show          Null
  msgvalidation if fail validation this msg wll show                                Null

  <lezaz:input id='myid' type="text" label="text" value="x" size="9" validation="r"/>

  color : info2,purple,pink,light,yellow,grey,white | grey
  size  : xlg,mini,minier,sm | sm width-auto
  border: true,false or 1,0 | 1
  hover : true,false or 1,0 | 1
  option : bold,round,app | Null
  icon : {fontawsome fa-check} like check,trash-o,bigger-160 | Null , left if not null
  icon-right : {fontawsome fa-check} like check,trash-o,bigger-160 | Null , left if not null
 <lezaz:input type="button" color="info2" size="xlg"/>
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecache (4 files)
Files folder imageclasses (3 files, 2 directories)
Files folder imageplugin (1 file, 3 directories)
Files folder imagetemplate (2 directories)
Files folder imagetmp (1 file)
Files folder imageuploaded (1 file, 1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file .htaccess Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file conf.php Conf. Configuration script
Accessible without login Image file favicon.ico Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. adding readme file!

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