PHP Classes

Fast PHP News: Manage a news system stored in a text file

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2015-11-23 (11 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 157 This week: 3All time: 8,130 This week: 377Up
Version License PHP version Categories
fast-php-news 1.0BSD License4.0Files and Folders, Content management
Description Author

This class can manage a news system stored in a text file.

It can let the user create simple news items that are added to a text file with date, title and news body text.

The administrator user must be logged with a given password that is defined in a configuration script.

The class can display, add, update and delete news items.

Picture of davood malek mohammadi
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1. Download the latest version zip file
2. Unzip the files at your local machine
3. Decide where you will be uploading phpFastNews files to at your site. You can upload them in any folder or even in        the home folder. I would recommend to create a separate folder, name it fastnews for example
4. Have a look at the fastnews-conf.php file. You will need to set at least 2 things:
     * your password at line 3
     * the fastnews-code.php file URL (it should be something like It depends on your step 3, i.e. where you will be installing phpFastNews.
5. Upload the files to the place decided in step 3.
6. You need to set the fastnews-data.txt writable by your script so make chmod 666 command for this file.
7. Now you can have the news section imbedded into any PHP page at your website. Just put this code in a place you want      it to appear:

include_once( '/path-to-fastnews-folder/fastnews-code.php' );
$fn = new fastNews();
echo $fn->display();

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file sample-index.php Example sample
Accessible without login Plain text file fastnews-data.txt Data data file
Accessible without login Plain text file fastnews-conf.php Conf. config source
Plain text file fastnews-code.php Class class source
Accessible without login Plain text file installation.txt Doc. installation method

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:3
All time:8,130
This week:377Up