PHP Classes

Hypersistence: Store and retrieve objects in databases using PDO

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hypersistence 2.0MIT/X Consortium ...5.0PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns
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This class can store and retrieve objects in databases using PDO.

It provides base classes that implement the process of storing and retrieving objects defined by subclasses, its variables and comments that specify how to map the class variables to database table fields.

It uses PDO to access the database server using parameters retrieved from a configuration XML file.

Picture of Mateus Fornari
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PHP Object Orented persistence framework.

Use doc comment tags for mapping classes with database.


 * @table(person)
class Person extends Hypersistence{
     * @primaryKey
     * @column(person_id)
    private $id;
     * Use empty column when the column has the same name that var.
     * @column()
    private $name;
     * When you have a Many to One relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @manyToOne(lazy)
     * @column(city_id)
     * @itemClass(City)
    private $city;
     * When you have a One to Many relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @oneToMany(lazy)
     * @joinColumn(person_id)
     * @itemClass(Book)
    private $books;
     * When you have a Many to Many relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @manyToMany(lazy)
     * @joinColumn(person_id)
     * @inverseJoinColumn(course_id)
     * @itemClass(Course)
     * @joinTable(person_has_course)
    private $courses;

    public function getId(){
        return $this->id;
    public function setId($id){
        $this->id = $id;
    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;
    public function setName($name){
        $this->name = $name;
    public function getCity(){
        return $this->city;
    public function setCity($city){
        $this->city = $city;
    public function getBooks(){
        return $this->books;
    public function getCourses(){
        return $this->courses;

<h3>Load Example:</h3>

$p = new Person();

echo $p->getName();

<h3>Save Example:</h3>

$p = new Person();
$p->setName('Mateus Fornari');
$city = new City(1);

<h3>Search Example:</h3>

$p = new Person();

$search = $p->search();
$search->orderBy('name', 'asc');
$search->orderBy('', 'desc');

$list = $search->execute();
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I'm using the Hypersistence classes and is very very good.
2 years ago (José Batista Pereira)
Very gooood!!!!
2 years ago (Thiago José)