PDF VERSION : https://github.com/andromeda1913/php-rest-api-framework/
1 Overview
2 Structure
3 Method Overview 4 Quick Start
PHP Simple REST Framework :
This document describes structure and functionality of the Framework Classes. This framework can be used to create "JSON Api web service»
Structure of the REST requests : http://server.com/api/users/getlist?fget=1 -
1 http://server.com - domain of the service
2 /api/ - subDirectory where framework files are located 3 /users/ - Name of the Class .
4 /getlist - get method name in the class
5 fget - some get variables
Structure of the Framework :
-- Root -- api
--commands --Helpers --media --models --tmp
--Bootstrap.php --config.php --index.php --Observer.php --REquest.php --Response.php --serviceDesc.txt
1 Commands - This Directory contains all Classes required for your service .
Each classes should be named exactly as the name of the method for
example Users.php
returns Response object.
Will be accessible with the followed request
http:// server.com/api/Users/name_of_the_method inside Users class that
Each Class should be extended From Abstract method Class.
2 Helpers - This folder contains static Helpers classes that you can use in your commands or models
3 media - contains all media uploaded file
4 tmp - contains temporary files
5 models - Contains all models Classes extended from base Abstract Model .
. Methods Overview:
Commands Abstract Methods :
requireToken() ; - This method need to be called inside methods that requires secure token $_GET[“tokenâ€] ; see Quick start section :
allowCache(); -- this method should be called inside methods that allowing cache output result in memcache ;
disableCache(); -- disable cache for current method ;
setError($msg) ; -- Creates Error Json response with error string ;
Execute(\Request $req = null) ; -- Default method will be executed on each Commands Class ; hasResponse() ; -- returns true or false if current Command has Reponse.
Model Abstract Methods:
public function setTable($table) Set Name of the Table For model ; public function delete($id) -- Remove record By id in current table ; public function setSql($sql) -- Set Raw SQl;
public function exec() -- Execute Raw SQL ;
public function selectAll()-- Select all from raw SQL request ;
public function load() -- Load Single Object Record from sql raw request ; public function loadList() -- Load list of object from raw Request ;
public function selectByAll($field, $v) -- Select record set Where field = v ;
public function generalInsert($data = []) -- insert Key – value into the table .
public function updateBypost($post = []) -- Update record “If dataset contains id key â€
public function createToken($data_users = [] ) -- Create Secure Token with Custom Data ;
returns hash string
public function getFromToken($name , $var) -- Get data from token by hash and var name ;
Request Method
public function contains($name) -- return true or false if request cdontains variable
public function get($name) -- get request get or post variable ;
Response Object methods
public function __construct($status = true, $error = false , $error_m = "") – default constructor ; public function add($key , $val=null ) -- add key value into data response array ;
Observer Methods:
public function UploadFile($path = '', $prefix = '' ) -- upload single File and returns the name of the file
$path – default upload path FROM BASE_DIR ;
$prefix prefix name of the file ;
public function UploadFiles($path = '', $prefix = '' ) -- Upload Multiply Files and return array of file names ; public function createThumbnail($filename, $prefix = '_small' ) – Create image Thumbnail
public function sendFile($filename = 'file.csv', $data = '') -- Send file to the end user with headers ; public function auto_link($str) -- Auto link string ;
public function saveHTML($str) – strip some html tags ;
public function compress ($buffer) -- compress string;
Quick Start :
1 Grab your copy From GitHub . it requires php 5.4 or later ; 2 Place it on your web server for example in /api/directory ;
3 Edit .htaccess Change RewriteBase 4 Open And Edit config.php
Edit Database Settings :
HOST mysql server
USER mysql username
PASS mysql password DATABASE name of database
DEVELOP - true - false ; display or not errors
START_PATH - Integer value for Parsing url if your service is in subdirectory the start path will be start from 3 else if root directory you should change it to 2
SITE_NAME - Name of the service will be display in each response
VERSION - string will be output in Json Response
FORMAT - “JSON†/ “XML†Format of the output ;
5 Test it / open url in your browser http://your.com/api will be output default response with Timestamp
When after that we finished configuration, let’s create simple hello World Service. Lets start with creating a simple table in our database.
Create Table “Users†with fields : id, username , email ;
In models directory create file Users.php in that file create Class Users extended from _Abstract
You should get something like :
namespace models;
class Users extends _Abstract{
and create constructor :
public function __construct(){
parent::__construct() ;
$this->setTable("Users") ; // set Table For that
model ;
Ok we have created model For Users model, time Create our Actions
Lets create action that will have methods for register new user, login, and get users list;
In /Api/commands / create class Users file name Users.php
namespace commands;
class Users extends _Abstract{
public function hasResponse(){ return true ;
// ok let’s create Business logic ;
in our model Users add method That will insert new user
public function insertUser($username , $email){ $id = $this->generalInsert([
"email"=>$email , ]);
return $id ; }
in commands/Users create method that will encapsulate login register :
public function register(\Request $req = null ){ if ($req->contains("username")&&$req-
$model = new Users() ;
// Create user and add id in response
$this->responseObject->add("user_id", $model->insertUser( $req->get("username") ,
} else{
$this->setError("username ,email required") ;
return $this->responseObject ;
// Great now we can create new users in our table :
like this http://server.com/api/users/register?username=some&email=some
now it’s time to create login method in Command/users create method login
public function login(\Request $req = null){ $model = new Users() ;
$username = $req->get("username") ;
if ($username){
// try to find out user
$id = $model->login($username); if ($id) {
$this->responseObject->add("user_id", $id) ; $this->responseObject->add("token", $model-
>createToken()) ;
$this->setError("User Not Found") ;
$this->setError("Please enter username") ;
return $this->responseObject ; }
ok for login we just need to call
note this is the test , so there is no password etc. anyway , on success it will return :
user_id , token ;
token we will gonna need that in our last method called “get users List†:
Lets Create method in our controller that will return list of users for logged users ;
public function getlist(\Request $req = null){ $model = new Users();
$this->requireToken() ; // Token Required For that method ; $all = $model->selectAll(); $this->responseObject->add("all", $all) ;
return $this->responseObject; }
This method should be called : http://server.com/api/users/getlist?token=...... . token string
See full example in repository: