PHP Classes

Puller: Scrape product data pages from e-commerce sites

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Version License PHP version Categories
puller 0.1.11GNU Lesser Genera...5.3PHP 5, E-Commerce, Web services


This package can scrape product data pages from e-commerce sites.

It provides a base class that can retrieve pages from Web sites and extract information from them.

Several implementation classes are provided to retrieve product pages given the product identifier.

Those classes extract relevant product information like the product price, description and picture from certain e-commerce sites.

Currently it provides classes for extracting product information from several Brazilian e-commerce sites like Americanas, NetShoes, Saraiva and Submarino.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2013

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Many sites publish listings of products available in different stores.

The information of the products and the prices can be obtained from the stores if they provide it, or scraped directly from the pages of the sites.

This class provides a general solution for scraping product information scraped from the store Web sites.

Different driver classes are provides to scrape information from specific store sites.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Evaldo Barbosa
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x



pp == You will get all needed information about a product in brazilian e-commerce sites. Simple to use, PP is the way to collect data about a product in brazilian e-commerce including price, description and picture. See the code of tests. To run the test: $ bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit.xml --group=Info Example: ```php <? /** * Getting information from products */ use Puller\Target\SubmarinoProductInfo; // $productid = 111970051; $p = new SubmarinoProductInfo( $productid ); echo $p->productId, "\n", $p->productName, "\n"; print_r( $p->productTable ); $p = new NetShoesProductInfo( '094-0460-014-03' ); echo $p->productId, "\n", $p->productName, "\n"; print_r( $p->productTable ); $p = new PontoFrioProductInfo( 'TelefoneseCelulares/Smartphones/Celular-Desbloqueado-Motorola-RAZR-i-Preto-com-Processador-Intel-de-2-GHz-Tela-de-4-3’’-Android-4-0-Camera-8MP-Wi-Fi-3G-NFC-GPS-e-Bluetooth-1748861.html' ); echo $p->productId, "\n", $p->productName, "\n"; print_r( $p->productTable ); </pre> ``` ## Important > *This software now is under LPGLv3. Se this:*<br/> > ** > Winner - June 2013 > <img src=""/><br/> >

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