PHP Classes

NAJAX: Call PHP class functions from page with Javascript

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2005-09-18 (11 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 72%Total: 11,388 This week: 1All time: 105 This week: 1,047Down
Version License Categories
najax 1.0.0The PHP LicenseAJAX
Description Author

This package can be used to call PHP classes on the Web server side from Javascript code in Web pages.

It uses AJAX technology to submit HTTP requests from Javascript to pass call parameters and collect and process the XML responses.

This package acts as a proxy that maps PHP objects to JavaScript and vice versa.

The package provides means to register the handling client-server events using custom PHP classes to process such events.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2005

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a technology that is becoming increasingly popular as it provides meants to establish the communication in the background between a Web browser and a Web server.

AJAX permits executing actions and updating parts of Web pages without reloading the whole page.

Despite it has been introduced with Internet Explorer 5.5, only recently this technology has been implemented by Mozilla browsers and other browsers that followed the trend.

The wide adoption of AJAX opened space for applications and components that use AJAX to provide highly interactive Web based user interfaces.

This package is one of the three, released almost at the same time in August 2005, that provide means to facilitate the creation of PHP applications that take advantage of AJAX potential.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Stanimir Angeloff
Name: Stanimir Angeloff <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Bulgaria Bulgaria
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x


NOTE on NAJAX license:

Essentially, the license gives you the right to use, distribute and modify
NAJAX as much as you want, for both COMMERCIAL and NON-COMMERCIAL use. You
just have to make it clear to the user that what you have distributed
contains NAJAX.

For more information take a look at the LICENSE file or visit:
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclasses (7 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imageconfig (2 files)
Files folder imagedocs (1 directory)
Files folder imageextensions (1 directory)
Files folder imagejs (2 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file CHANGELOG Doc. NAJAX changelog file.
Accessible without login Plain text file INSTALL Doc. NAJAX installation instructions.
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. NAJAX license information.
Accessible without login Plain text file najax.php Example NAJAX all-in-one file. This file includes all classes that the NAJAX package contains and defines most of the constants.
Accessible without login Plain text file README Doc. You should read this file before using NAJAX.
Accessible without login Plain text file TODO Doc. List of features that should be implemented in future versions of the package.
Accessible without login Plain text file TRASH Doc. Contains source code that is old.

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All time:105
This week:1,047Down
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