PHP Classes

Metabase: PHP Database abstraction layer RDBMS independent

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2024-06-29 (7 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 74%Total: 32,028 All time: 15 This week: 31Down
Version License PHP version Categories
metabase 1.0.14BSD License4XML, Databases


Package of classes that provide DBMS independent access and management of databases.

Currently it features:

o BSD style license.

o Dual API call forms:
* Direct driver class object calls
* Global function calls

o Set of functions that call the selected DBMS driver objects functions supporting when possible:
* Database connection setup with support for connection strings
* Operation error handling
* Query constant data conversion
* Direct queries
* Prepared queries
* Query result rows random access
* Retrieve a limit range of rows of a SELECT query.
* Nested transactions
* Large object fields (BLOBs - storing files in the database)
* Database object creation (tables, indexes, sequences)
* DBMS driver supported feature query

o DBMS Drivers classes that support the most important databases being used on the Web.

o Driver conformance test suite to verify if the driver classes are working and features are properly implemented.

o A parser class that is able to interpret DBMS independent database schemas file defined in a custom XML format supporting the following types of objects:
* Tables with fields of the types: text, integer, boolean, date, time, timestamp, decimal, float, character large objects (CLOBs) and binary large objects (BLOBs), auto-increment.
* Primary keys
* Indexes
* Auto incremented sequences

o A manager class that is able to:
* Install a new database from a schema description interpreted by the parser class.
* Ability to compare a previously installed schema with a new schema and only install the changes without affecting data stored after the previous installation or update.
* Dump database structure and contents in the same XML format handled by the parser allowing for moving data between databases of different DBMS vendors.
* Reverse engineer schemas of already installed databases

o Driver classes for multiple databases:

* MySQL using the traditional MySQL extension or MySQLi
* PostgreSQL
* Oracle using oci extension
* Microsoft SQL server using the mssql extension
* SQLite
* Generic ODBC base driver
* MS Access using ODBC
* Interbase
* Informix
* MiniSQL

Picture of Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  



Good and simple MySQL wrapper
What MySQL wrapper should I go with?

MSAccess data to MySQL
Fetch MSAccess data and store into MySQL

Portable database access
Database access compatible with MySQL and SQLite

What is the best PHP database schema abstraction class?
Applications Database Schema

Connect to MS Access database with ODBC
ODBC Connection to MS Access

Connect to informix database
Need to connect and retrieve data from informix database

PHP and Progress Openedge ODBC
I need to interrogate an Openedge database using PHP




Metabase is a database abstraction package for developing portable database applications in PHP. You may find more information about Metabase at:

Screenshots (1)  
  • example_schema.gif
  Files folder image Files (52)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagedocumentation (4 files)
Files folder imageeditplus (4 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file autoincrement.schema Data Driver conformance database schema for testing auto-increment fields
Accessible without login Plain text file configuration.php Aux. Example configuration values
Accessible without login Plain text file driver_test.php Test Driver class conformance test script.
Accessible without login Plain text file driver_test.schema Data Driver class conformance test database schema description.
Accessible without login Plain text file driver_test_config.php Conf. Driver class conformance test configuration script.
Accessible without login Plain text file get_database.php Aux. Utility script to reverse engineer installed database schemas to Metabase XML definition
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. BSD style license
Accessible without login Plain text file lob_test.schema Data Database schema to test large object fields.
Plain text file manager_database.php Class Base class for database schema management extensions
Plain text file manager_ibase.php Class Interbase schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_ifx.php Class Informix schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_msql.php Class Mini-SQL schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_mssql.php Class Microsoft SQL server schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_mysql.php Class MySQL schema manager extension class
Plain text file manager_mysqli.php Class Metabase schema management driver extension class for MySQL database using the MySQLi extension
Plain text file manager_oci.php Class Oracle OCI schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_odbc.php Class ODBC schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_odbc_msaccess.php Class Microsoft Access schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_pgsql.php Class PostgreSQL schema management extension class
Plain text file manager_sqlite.php Class SQLite schema management extension class
Accessible without login Plain text file metabase.xsl Data XML style sheet to render database schemas in Metabase XML format contributed by Stefano Locati
Plain text file metabase_audit_queries_plugin.php Class Plugin class to perform auditing operations on SQL queries that execute
Plain text file metabase_database.php Class DBMS driver base class.
Plain text file metabase_ibase.php Class Driver class for Interbase contributed by Meir kriheli
Plain text file metabase_ifx.php Class Driver class for Informix contributed by Pierre-henri Delaval
Accessible without login Plain text file metabase_interface.php Aux. Database interface function library
Plain text file metabase_lob.php Class Large object fields handler classes
Plain text file metabase_manager.php Class Database manager class.
Plain text file metabase_msql.php Class Driver class for Mini-SQL
Plain text file metabase_mssql.php Class Driver class for Microsoft SQL server
Plain text file metabase_mysql.php Class Driver class for MySQL
Plain text file metabase_mysqli.php Class Metabase interface class with MySQL database using the MySQLi extension
Plain text file metabase_oci.php Class Driver class for Oracle using the OCI
Plain text file metabase_odbc.php Class Driver class for ODBC
Plain text file metabase_odbc_msaccess.php Class Microsoft Access driver class via ODBC contributed by Svemir Brkic
Plain text file metabase_parser.php Class Schema definition parser class.
Plain text file metabase_pgsql.php Class Driver class for PostgreSQL
Plain text file metabase_sqlite.php Class SQLite flat file database API driver contributed by Jeroen Derks
Plain text file metabase_template.php Class Template driver class.
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Information about the project
Accessible without login Plain text file setup_test.php Example Test database setup script.
Accessible without login Plain text file test.schema Data Test database schema definition in Metabase XML format
Accessible without login Plain text file test_audit_queries_plugin.php Aux. Example script to show how to perform auditing operations on SQL queries that execute

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
Install with Composer Install with Composer 217KB
Downloadmetabase-2024-06-29.tar.gz 183KB
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Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
Generic XML parser class Download .zip .tar.gz If it is used the schema management support, this class is used to parse the XML schema definitions Conditional
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