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Reactive Asynchronous Rate Limiter PHP: Limit the handling of requests to a given rate

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reactive-asynchronou 1.0GNU General Publi...7Performance and optimization, PHP 7


This package can limit the handling of requests to a given rate.

It provides a class that can handle requests to execute tasks started from the command line and count the number of requests received in a given time.

The class can handle POSIX USR1 signals to trigger the handling of requests.

Picture of Nitesh Apte
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x

Winner: 1x



include 'ReactiveRateLimiter.php';

// Allow 5 requests every 5 seconds
$rateLimiter = new ReactiveRateLimiter(5, 5.0);

// Simulate periodic requests
while (true) {
usleep(200000); // 0.2 seconds between requests


Reactive and Asynchronous Rate Limiter in PHP

A reactive and asynchronous rate limiter in PHP, designed to handle high-frequency requests efficiently, this implementation leverages pcntl signals to provide non-blocking and lock-free request handling. It is a lightweight solution ideal for applications requiring precise and dynamic control over incoming request rates.


  • Reactive and Asynchronous: - Utilizes PHP's `pcntl` library to process incoming requests reactively. - Ensures non-blocking behavior, making it suitable for high-concurrency environments.
  • No Locking Required: - Eliminates the need for semaphores, file locks, or databases. - Tracks requests entirely in memory for lightweight operation.
  • Dynamic Rate Management: - Configurable maximum requests per time window. - Handles blocked requests reactively with customizable timeout durations.

Code Overview

Core Class

The implementation includes the ReactiveRateLimiter class, which: 1. Dynamically tracks requests in memory. 2. Reacts to incoming signals using pcntl_signal for efficient concurrency. 3. Implements rate-limiting logic to allow or block requests based on defined thresholds.

Example Usage

include 'ReactiveRateLimiter.php';

// Allow 5 requests every 5 seconds
$rateLimiter = new ReactiveRateLimiter(5, 5.0); 	

// Simulate periodic requests
while (true) {
    usleep(200000); // 0.2 seconds between requests

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