PHP Classes

How to Implement PHP Parallel Processing of Web Application Actions Using the Package Open Swoole Microservices: Implement microservices using Open Swoole

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This package can be used to implement microservices using Open Swoole.

It provides a framework of classes that developers can use to implement Web applications based on service classes.

The framework uses the Open Swoole PHP extension to implement single thread event-driven applications allowing support for tens of thousands of concurrent connections.

The applications can be configured using arrays of option values.

Currently, the option values allow to configure:

- SQL query templates to perform CRUD operations on data stored in a database

- Scripts that should handle HTTP requests of methods GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH, and PUT

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2024
Open Swoole is a PHP extension that allows to implementation of applications that can execute multiple tasks in parallel by letting the programmer define callback functions to process the results of long tasks.

This package provides a framework that lets developers simplify the processing of HTTP requests by Open Swoole by taking configuration arrays that define the parameters of how each type of request will be processed.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ramesh Narayan Jangid (Sharma)
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x

Winner: 4x



OpenSwoole based Microservices

This is a light & easy Openswoole based Microservices framework. It can be used to create APIs in a very short time once you are done with your database.



Important Files

  • .env.example Create a copy of this file as .env
  • global.sql Import this SQL file on your MySql global instance
  • client\_master.sql Import this SQL file on your MySql client instance
  • cache.sql Import this SQL file for cache in MySql cache instance if Redis is not the choice (To be configured in .env)

> Note: One can import all three sql's in a single database to start with. Just configure the same details in the .env file.

Environment File

Below are the configuration settings details in .env

ENVIRONMENT=0                   ;Environment PRODUCTION = 1 / DEVELOPMENT = 0
OUTPUT_PERFORMANCE_STATS=1      ;Add Performance Stats in Json output: 1 = true / 0 = false
allowConfigRequest=1            ;Allow config request (global flag): 1 = true / 0 = false
cronRestrictedIp=''    ;Crons Details
maxPerpage=10000                ;Maximum value of perpage (records per page)

Cache Server Details (Redis)


Global Database details - global.sql


global Database tables details


Default application database/server for clients


Dedicated application database/server for client 1


Dedicated application database/server for client 2


Additional client database details

clientMasterDbName='client_master'  ;contains all entities required for a new client.
client_users='master_users'         ;Table in client database containing user details.


  • App Basic Microservices application folder
  • Config Basic Microservices configuration folder
  • Crons Contains classes for cron API's
  • Custom Contains classes for custom API's
  • Dropbox Folder for uploaded files.
  • public\_html Microservices doc root folder
  • ThirdParty Contains classes for third-party API's
  • Upload Contains classes for upload file API's
  • Validation Contains validation classes.

Routes Folder

  • /Config/Routes/<GroupName>

<GroupName> is the group user belongs to for accessing the API's


  • GETroutes.php for all GET method routes configuration.
  • POSTroutes.php for all POST method routes configuration.
  • PUTroutes.php for all PUT method routes configuration.
  • PATCHroutes.php for all PATCH method routes configuration.
  • DELETEroutes.php for all DELETE method routes configuration.


  • For configuring route /tableName/parts GET method
    return [
    'tableName' => [
        'parts' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location'
  • For configuring route /tableName/{id} where id is dynamic integer value to be collected.
    return [
    'tableName' => [
        '{id:int}' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location'
  • Same dynamic variable but with a different data type, for e.g. {id} will be treated differently for string and integer values to be collected.
    return [
    'tableName' => [
        '{id:int}' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location for integer data type'
        '{id:string}' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location for string data type'
  • To restrict dynamic values to a certain set of values. One can do the same by appending comma-separated values after OR key.
    return [
    '{tableName:string|admin,group,client,routes}' => [
        '{id:int}' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location'
  • On other side; to exclude dynamic values. One can do the same by prefixing NOT(!) synbol to comma-separated values.
    return [
    '{tableName:string}' => [
        '{id:int|!0}' => [
            '__file__' => 'SQL file location'
    > This '{id:int|!0}' means id is integer but can't be zero.

Queries Folder

  • /Config/Queries/GlobalDB for global database.
  • /Config/Queries/ClientDB for Clients (including all hosts and their databases).


  • GET/<filenames>.php GET method SQL.
  • POST/<filenames>;.php POST method SQL.
  • PUT/<filenames>.php PUT method SQL.
  • PATCH/<filenames>.php PATCH method SQL.
  • DELETE/<filenames>.php DELETE method SQL.

> One can replace <filenames> tag with desired name as per functionality.

Queries Configuration Rules

Database Field DataTypes Configuration in DatabaseDataTypes class

static public $CustomINT = [

    // Required param

    // PHP data type (bool, int, float, string)
    'dataType' => 'int',

    // Optional params

    // Minimum value (int)
    'minValue' => false,
    // Maximum value (int)
    'maxValue' => false,
    // Minimum length (string)
    'minLength' => false,
    // Maximum length (string)
    'maxLength' => false,
    // Any one value from the Array
    'enumValues' => false,
    // Values belonging to this Array
    'setValues' => false,

    // Values should pass this regex before use
    'regex' => false

SQL Configuration Rules

Available configuration options

//return represents root for resultSetData
return [
    // Required to implementing pagination
    'countQuery' => "Count SQL",
    // Query to perform task
    'query' => "SQL",
    // Details of data to be set by Query to perform task
    '__SET__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return 'value';
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<key>'],        // previous Insert ids
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Where clause of the Query to perform task
    '__WHERE__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return 'value';
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Last insert id to be made available as $session['insertIdParams'][uniqueParamString];
    'insertId' => '<keyName>:id',
    // Indicator to generate JSON in Single(Object) row / Mulple(Array) rows format.
    'mode' => 'singleRowFormat/multipleRowFormat',
    // subQuery is a keyword to perform recursive operations
    / Supported configuration for recursive operations are :
     * query,
     * __SET__,
     * __WHERE__,
     * mode,
     * insertId,
     * subQuery
    'subQuery' => [
        '<sub-key>' => [
            ... // Recursive
            '__SET__' => [
                // Database DataTypes settings required when useHierarchy is true
                // to validate each data set before procedding forward
                'column' => [
                    DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
                    Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
                'column' => ['resultSetData', '<return:keys>'], // Only for GET
                'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<keyName>:id'], // previous Insert ids
            '__WHERE__' => [
                // Database DataTypes settings required when useHierarchy is true
                // to validate each data set before procedding forward
                'column' => [
                    DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
                    Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
                'column' => ['resultSetData', '<return:keys>'], // Only for GET
        '<sub-key>' => [
    // Array of validation functions to be performed
    'validate' => [
            'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
            'fnArgs' => [
                'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
            'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'
    'useHierarchy' => true,
    'useResultSet' => true,
    // Use cacheKey option to cache and reuse results (Optional)
    'cacheKey' => '<unique-key-for-redis-to-cache-results>(e.g, key:1)',
    // List down keys which effects configured cacheKey on DML operation
    'affectedCacheKeys' => [
        '<unique-key-for-redis-to-drop-cached-results>(category etc.)',

GET method configuration without Hierarchy

return [
    // Required to implementing pagination
    'countQuery' => "SELECT count(1) as `count` FROM TableName WHERE __WHERE__",
    'countQuery' => "SELECT count(1) as `count` FROM TableName WHERE column1 = :column1 AND column2 = :column2",
    // Query to perform task
    'query' => "SELECT columns FROM TableName WHERE __WHERE__",
    'query' => "SELECT columns FROM TableName WHERE column1 = :column1 AND column2 = :column2",
    // Where clause of the Query to perform task
    '__WHERE__' => [
        'column' => ['uriParams', '<key>'],             // Fatch value from parsed route
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload ($_GET)
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return $session['payload']['password'];
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Indicator to generate JSON in Single(Object) row / Mulple(Array) rows format.
    'mode' => 'singleRowFormat / multipleRowFormat',
    // subQuery is a keyword to perform recursive operations
    / Supported configuration for recursive operations are :
     * query,
     * __WHERE__,
     * mode,
     * subQuery
    'subQuery' => [
        '<sub-key>' => [// Recursive
        '<sub-key>' => [
    // Array of validation functions to be performed
    'validate' => [
            'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
            'fnArgs' => [
                'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
            'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'
    'cacheKey' => 'key:1',

GET method configuration with useHierarchy

//return represents root for resultSetData
return [
    // Required to implementing pagination
    'countQuery' => "SELECT count(1) as `count` FROM TableName WHERE __WHERE__",
    'countQuery' => "SELECT count(1) as `count` FROM TableName WHERE column1 = :column1 AND column2 = :column2",
    // Query to perform task
    'query' => "SELECT columns FROM TableName WHERE __WHERE__",
    'query' => "SELECT columns FROM TableName WHERE column1 = :column1 AND column2 = :column2",
    // Where clause of the Query to perform task
    '__WHERE__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload ($_GET)
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return $session['payload']['password'];
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Indicator to generate JSON in Single(Object) row / Mulple(Array) rows format.
    'mode' => 'singleRowFormat/multipleRowFormat',
    // subQuery is a keyword to perform recursive operations
    / Supported configuration for recursive operations are :
     * query,
     * __WHERE__,
     * mode,
     * subQuery
    'subQuery' => [
        '<sub-key>' => [
            ... // Recursive
            '__WHERE__' => [
                'column' => ['resultSetData', '<return:keys>'],
        '<sub-key>' => [
    // Array of validation functions to be performed
    'validate' => [
            'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
            'fnArgs' => [
                'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
            'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'
    // useResultSet true represent data from higher hierarchy to be preserved
    // to be used used in sub queries
    'useResultSet' => true,
    'cacheKey' => 'key:2',

POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE method configuration without Hierarchy

return [
    // Query to perform task
    'query' => "INSERT INTO `TableName` SET __SET__",
    'query' => "INSERT INTO `TableName` SET column1 = :column1, column2 = :column2",
    'query' => "UPDATE `TableName` SET __SET__ WHERE __WHERE__",
    'query' => "UPDATE `TableName` SET column1 = :column1, column2 = :column2 WHERE column3 = :column3 AND column4 = :column4",
    // Details of data to be set by Query to perform task
    '__SET__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return 'value';
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<key>'],        // previous Insert ids
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Where clause of the Query to perform task
    '__WHERE__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return password_hash($session['payload']['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // To be used only for INSERT queries
    // Last insert id to be made available as $session['insertIdParams'][uniqueParamString];
    'insertId' => '<keyName>:id',
    // subQuery is a keyword to perform recursive operations
    / Supported configuration for recursive operations are :
     * query,
     * __SET__,
     * __WHERE__,
     * insertId,
     * subQuery
    'subQuery' => [
        '<sub-key>' => [// Recursive
            '__SET__' => [
                'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<keyName>:id'], // previous Insert ids
        '<sub-key>' => [
    // Array of validation functions to be performed
    'validate' => [
            'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
            'fnArgs' => [
                'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
            'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'
    'affectedCacheKeys' => [

POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE method configuration with useHierarchy

//return represents root for resultSetData
return [
    // Query to perform task
    'query' => "INSERT INTO `TableName` SET __SET__",
    'query' => "INSERT INTO `TableName` SET column1 = :column1, column2 = :column2",
    'query' => "UPDATE `TableName` SET __SET__ WHERE __WHERE__",
    'query' => "UPDATE `TableName` SET column1 = :column1, column2 = :column2 WHERE column3 = :column3 AND column4 = :column4",
    // Details of data to be set by Query to perform task
    '__SET__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {       // Perform a function and use returned value
            return 'value';
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<key>'],        // previous Insert ids
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // Where clause of the Query to perform task
    '__WHERE__' => [
        'column' => [ // Fatch value from parsed route
            'uriParams',                                // uriParams / payload
            '<key-1>',                                  // key
            DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
            Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
        'column' => ['payload', '<key>'],               // Fetch value from Payload
        'column' => ['function', function($session) {   // Perform a function and use returned value
            return password_hash($session['payload']['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
        'column' => ['userDetails', '<key>'],           // From user session
        'column' => ['custom', '<static-value>'],       // Static values
    // To be used only for INSERT queries
    // Last insert id to be made available as $session['insertIdParams'][uniqueParamString];
    'insertId' => '<keyName>:id',
    // subQuery is a keyword to perform recursive operations
    / Supported configuration for recursive operations are :
     * query,
     * __SET__,
     * __WHERE__,
     * insertId,
     * subQuery
    'subQuery' => [
        '<sub-key>' => [
            ... // Recursive
            '__SET__' => [
                // Database DataTypes settings required when useHierarchy is true
                // to validate each data set before procedding forward
                'column' => [
                    DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
                    Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
                'column' => ['insertIdParams', '<keyName>:id'], // previous Insert ids
                'column' => ['resultSetData', '<return:keys>'],
            '__WHERE__' => [
                // Database DataTypes settings required when useHierarchy is true
                // to validate each data set before procedding forward
                'column' => [
                    DatabaseDataTypes::$PrimaryKey,             // key data type
                    Constants::$REQUIRED                        // Represents required field
                'column' => ['resultSetData', '<return:keys>'],
        '<sub-key>' => [
    // Array of validation functions to be performed
    'validate' => [
            'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
            'fnArgs' => [
                'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
            'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'
    // useHierarchy true represent data is in recursive format
    // In other words it is not presented in one simple key/value pair array
    // Instead the data is served as per the configured hierarchy with sub arrays
    'useHierarchy' => true,
    'affectedCacheKeys' => [

> If there are repeated modules or configurations; one can reuse them by palcing them in a separate file and including as below.

'subQuery' => [
    //Here the module1 properties are reused for write operation.
    'module1' => include $Constants::$DOC_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Config/Queries/ClientDB/Common/reusefilename.php',

> For POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods one can configure both INSERT as well as UPDATE queries if required for sub modules.


Allowed IPs

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a method for assigning IP addresses to devices on the internet. Multiple CIDR seperated by comma can be set in (groups table) in global database.

`m002_master_groups`.`allowed_ips` text

Rate Limiting

One can configure Rate Limiting server details in .env file.

Rate Limit Server(Redis) Configuration in .env

RateLimiterHost=''     ; Redis host dealing with Rate limit
RateLimiterHostPort=6379        ; Redis host port
RateLimiterIPMaxRequests=600    ; Max request allowed per IP
RateLimiterIPSecondsWindow=300  ; Window in seconds of Max request allowed per IP
RateLimiterIPPrefix='IPRL:'     ; IP based Rate Limitng (IPRL) key prefix used in Redis
RateLimiterClientPrefix='CRL:'  ; Client based Rate Limitng (GRL) key prefix used in Redis
RateLimiterGroupPrefix='GRL:'   ; Group based Rate Limitng (GRL) key prefix used in Redis
RateLimiterUserPrefix='URL:'    ; User based Rate Limitng (URL) key prefix used in Redis

Rate Limit at group level (global database)

One can set these details for respective group in m002_master_groups table of global database

`m002_master_groups`.`rateLimiterMaxRequests` int DEFAULT NULL
`m002_master_groups`.`rateLimiterSecondsWindow` int DEFAULT NULL

Rate Limit at user account level (client database)

One can set these details for respective user in master_users table of respective client database

`master_users`.`rateLimiterMaxRequests` int DEFAULT NULL
`master_users`.`rateLimiterSecondsWindow` int DEFAULT NULL

> DEFAULT NULL represents "no restrictions"

HTTP Request

GET Request

> One can clean the URL by making the required changes in the web server .conf file.

Pagination in GET Request

Requires countQuery SQL in the configuration for GET request


>One need to urlencode orderby value


  • Single
var payload = {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",

  • Multiple
var payload = [
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",

HttpRequest Variables

  • $session\['userDetails'\] Session Data. > This remains same for every request and contains keys like id, group\_id, client\_id
  • $session\['uriParams'\] Data passed in URI. > Suppose our configured route is /{table:string}/{id:int} and we make an HTTP request for /tableName/1 then $session\['uriParams'\] will hold these dynamic values as below.
  • $session\['payload'\] Request data. > For GET method, the $\_GET is the payload.
  • $session\['insertIdParams'\] Insert ids Data as per configuration. >For POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE we perform both INSERT as well as UPDATE operation. The insertIdParams contains the insert ids of the executed INSERT queries.
  • $session\['resultSetData'\] Hierarchy data. >For GET method, one can use previous query results if configured to use hierarchy.

Hierarchy Data

  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/GET/Category.php >In this file one can confirm how previous select data is used recursively in subQuery select as indicated by useHierarchy flag.
'parent_id' => ['resultSetData', 'return:id'],

  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/POST/Category.php .Here a request can handle the hierarchy for write operations.
return [
    'query' => "INSERT INTO `category` SET __SET__",
    '__SET__' => [
        'name' => ['payload', 'name'],
        'parent_id' => ['custom', 0],
    'insertId' => 'category:id',
    'subQuery' => [
        'module1' => [
            'query' => "INSERT INTO `category` SET __SET__",
            '__SET__' => [
                'name' => ['payload', 'subname'],
                'parent_id' => ['insertIdParams', 'category:id'],
            'insertId' => 'sub:id',
    'useHierarchy' => true

Hierarchy Request

  • Request - 1: Single object.
var payload = {
    "module1": {

  • Request - 2: Array of module1
var payload = {

  • Request - 3: Array of payload and arrays of module1
var payload = [

Configuration Route

  • Appending route with /config returns the payload information that should be supplied; both required and optional with desired format.


  • r=/registration/config
  • r=/category/config

One need to enable same in .env file as below

configRequestUriKeyword='config' ;for appending /config at end of URI

>For controlling globally there is a flag in env file labled allowConfigRequest


This lists down all allowed routes for HTTP methods respectively.


  • Dedicated database for respective client can be configured
  • This can also handle Master / Slave implementaion respectively


  • fetchFrom is a SQL config feature where one can force the fetch from Master (Since usually it is Slave)

Javascript HTTP request example


var handlerUrl = "";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "POST", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('X-API-Version', 'v1.0.0');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);
        var token = responseArr['Output']['Results']['Token'];

// Payload data which is to be made available on the server for the "/ajax-handler".
var payload = {

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(payload);
var urlencodeJsonString = encodeURIComponent(jsonString);
var params = "Payload="+urlencodeJsonString;

xmlhttp . send( params );

For other API's

  • GET Request
var handlerUrl = "";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "GET", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('X-API-Version', 'v1.0.0');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer <Token-from-login-api>');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

xmlhttp . send();

  • POST Request
var handlerUrl = "";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "POST", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('X-API-Version', 'v1.0.0');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', ?Bearer <Token-from-login-api>');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

// Payload data which is to be made available on the server for the "/ajax-handler".
var payload = {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(payload);
var urlencodeJsonString = encodeURIComponent(jsonString);
var params = "Payload="+urlencodeJsonString;

xmlhttp . send( params );

  • PUT Request
var handlerUrl = "";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "PUT", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('X-API-Version', 'v1.0.0');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', ?Bearer <Token-from-login-api>');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

// Payload data which is to be made available on the server for the "/ajax-handler".
var payload = {
    "old_password": "shames11",
    "new_password": "ramesh",

var jsonString = JSON.stringify(payload);
var urlencodeJsonString = encodeURIComponent(jsonString);
var params = "Payload="+urlencodeJsonString;

xmlhttp . send( params );



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