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PHP Sysinfo Command: Get the current machine CPU, memory, disk, etc.

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Version License PHP version Categories
sysinfo 1.0.0Freeware5PHP 5, System information
Description Author

This package can get the current machine CPU, memory, disk, etc..

It can check the current machine operating system resources to retrieve several types of details.

Currently, it can get:

- The CPU architecture, cores, frequency, processors, speed and vendor

- The disk capacity, partitions and free space

- Network hostname

- Operating system kernel name and release

- RAM total size, free size, list of memory slots

Picture of Dimitri Sitchet
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dimtrov/sysinfo (PHP System Informations)

A lightweight tool to retrieve informations about your PHP environment

Coding Standards PHPStan Static Analysis PHPStan level Coverage Status Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads

dimtrov/sysinfo is a simple library to get some info, metrics and available resources of the system the PHP code is running on.


  • Simple API
  • Framework-agnostic
  • Composer ready, [PSR-2] and [PSR-4] compliant

System Requirements

PHP >= 7.4

This library use some native PHP functions like shell_exec, php_uname, disk_total_space, disk_free_space, memory_get_usage, memory_get_peak_usage which may be disabled by some shared hostings.


# Install the package
composer require dimtrov/sysinfo


use Dimtrov\Systinfo;

$sysinfo = new Systinfo();

$sysinfo->cpuArchitecture();  // Intel x64
$sysinfo->cpuCores();  // 2
$sysinfo->cpuFree();  // 
$sysinfo->cpuFrequency();  // 2.90GHz
$sysinfo->cpuName();  // Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz
$sysinfo->cpuProcessors();  // 4
$sysinfo->cpuSpeed();  // 1.11 GHz
$sysinfo->cpuVendor();  // Intel

$sysinfo->diskCapacity();  // 998.87 GB
$sysinfo->diskCountPartitions(); 3
$sysinfo->diskFree(); // 310 G
$sysinfo->diskPartitions(); // [C:\, D:\, E:\]
$sysinfo->diskPartitionsSpaces(); // ["C:\" => "440 GB", "D:\" => "244 GB", "E:\" => "244GB"]
$sysinfo->diskTotal(); // 440GB
$sysinfo->diskUsed(); // 190GB
$sysinfo->diskUsedPercentage(); // 25%

$sysinfo->executionTimeLimit(); // 60s
$sysinfo->hostname(); // dimtrovich
$sysinfo->kernel(); // 
$sysinfo->memoryLimit(); // 8 MB
$sysinfo->memoryUsage(); // 2.3 MB
$sysinfo->os(); // Windows
$sysinfo->osRelease(); // Microsoft Windows 11 Pro

$sysinfo->ramCount(); // 2
$sysinfo->ramFree();  // 1.3 GB
$sysinfo->ramList(); // [4GB, 4GB]
$sysinfo->ramTotal(); // 8GB
$sysinfo->ramUsedPercentage(); // 91%


To date (02/09/22), this class has only been tested on Windows. Implementations on Linux and Mac are not yet fully completed and therefore have not been tested. Your pull requests are welcome


 * Count number of cpu cores
public function cpuCores(): int;

 * Retrieve a free cpu usage
public function cpuFree();

 * Retrieve a real frequency of processor
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GHz'` otherwise, return a raw value in Hz like `2000000`
public function cpuFrequency(bool $format = true);

 * Retrieve cpu name
public function cpuName(): string;

 * Count number of logical processors
public function cpuProcessors(): int;

 * Retrieves the current rotation speed of the processor
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GHz'` otherwise, return a raw value in Hz like `2000000`
public function cpuSpeed(bool $format = true);

 * Get cpu manufacturer
public function cpuVendor(): string;

 * Collect all the partitions of the hard drive
public function diskPartitions(): array;

 * Retrieve the free ram resources.
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function ramFree(bool $format = true);

 * List the different memory bar
 @return array<int|string> @return int|string if $format set to true, return an array of string like `['2GB', '4GB']` otherwise, return an array of raw value in bytes like `[2000000, 40000]`
public function ramList(bool $format = true): array;

 * Get the cpu architecture and bits
public function cpuArchitecture(): string;

 * Recovering the total storage capacity of the hard drive
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function diskCapacity(bool $format = true);

 * Counts the number of hard disk partitions
public function diskCountPartitions(): int;

 * Retrieves the free storage space of a given partition of the hard drive
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function diskFree(bool $format = true, string $partition = '/');

 * Determine the storage capacity of each partition on the hard drive
 * @return array<int|string> if $format set to true, return an array of string like `['2GB', '4GB']` otherwise, return an array of raw value in bytes like `[2000000, 40000]`
public function diskPartitionsSpaces(bool $format = true): array;

 * Recovering the total storage capacity of a given partition of the hard drive
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function diskTotal(bool $format = true, string $partition = '/');

 * Retrieve the used resources from the total resources as a percentage.
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function diskUsed(bool $format = true, string $partition = '/');

 * Retrieve the used resources from the total resources as a percentage.
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function diskUsedPercentage(bool $format = true, string $partition = '/');

 * Finds out max PHP execution time limit from php.ini
 * @return int in seconds. If set to zero, no time limit is imposed.
public function executionTimeLimit(): int;

 * Get the OS hostname
public function hostname(): string;

 * Get the OS kernel
public function kernel(): string;

* Finds out PHP memory limit from php.ini
* @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2MB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000`
public function memoryLimit(bool $format = true);

 * Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2MB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000`
public function memoryUsage(bool $format = true);

 * Get the Os
public function os(): string;

 * Get the Os release
public function osRelease(): string;

 * Count the number of memory bars available
public function ramCount(): int;

 * Retrieve the total ram resources.
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function ramTotal(bool $format = true);

 * Get the consumption rate (as a percentage) of the RAM
 * @return int|string if $format set to true, return a string like `'2GB'` otherwise, return a raw value in bytes like `2000000`
public function ramUsedPercentage(bool $format = true);



Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Please create a pull request with your contributions with detailed explanation of the changes you are proposing.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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