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PHP JWT Decode and Generate: Generate JWT tokens and decode token values

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Version License PHP version Categories
web_token 1.0.0The PHP License5PHP 5, Cryptography
Description Author

This class can generate JWT tokens and decode token values.

It can take an array of parameters and can generate a token string according to the JSON Web Token specification.

The class can also take a JWT token string and decode it to extract the original token parameter values into an array.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2022
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a standard for encoding and transmitting security-sensitive information using JSON format to encode objects as strings.

This class provides a simple means to encode and decode data using the JWT standard.

Developers can use this class with other components that implement more complex protocols and security measures, like OAuth.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Boss Ibrahim Mussa
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x




simple module to help generate a simple token using php


create a new instance of the class JWT, that will help you generate a new token, or validate an existing token.

        "data"=>"hello Github",
    $tken= new JWT;
    echo $_token;

the class Token has 2 Method: * generate: use this method to generate a new token key. it take 2 params. - the first parameter is an array of information according to the data to be encoded. it has 2 key : 1: data: where you can store all your information you want to be enconded; 2: expired:(iptional) how long your token will be used; the value in second, and it optional, by default the token propose 3600 second.

- the second parameter (optional) is cypherkye to encode your data, by default the token generate a cypherkey for the token key.

* decode use this method to valid your token, and restore the encoded the data, and it take 2 parameters.

- the first parameter is your token string generated with is devide in 3 parts: the encryption_iv,the encoded_data,the cypherkye.

    $tken = new JWT();
    $token = "4edc3e02a3ccf20c213131efa271b79b.vJjR1CIHHdfiCj4Tt+weTtnAZ7PVQw7e1eeQtdT3/qWY43pZH91r9mO92UhXrJB2NGoSv10j.c2f8ab9f30e19e14d47a6491ca77fe36";

    $dec = $tken->decode($token);

- the second parameter (optional) is cypherkye to encode your data, by default the token generate a cypherkey for the token key.

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User Comments (1)
That's a very great class ;-)
26 days ago (José Filipe Lopes Santos)

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