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PHP OpenSSL Proxy: Manage certificates and encrypt data using OpenSSL

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Picture of Adão Pedro
Name: Adão Pedro <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Angola Angola

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This package can manage certificates and encrypt data using OpenSSL.

It can perform several operations with encrypted data using the PHP OpenSSL extension.

Currently, it can:

- Create self-signed certifications

- Export a certificate as a string or as an object

- Generate public and private keys from the details of a given institution

- Get a public key or a private key

- Sign data with a given key

- Verify if a data string encrypted with a given private key can be decrypted with the associated the public key

- Parse a certificate to extract its details as an object

- Check if a private key is from a given certificate




A PHP wrapper around the OpenSSL extension that provides a user-friendly interface for dealing with OpenSSL.

What's up with the "proxy" name?

It is simply an analogy of the role of a proxy server - which acts as an intermediary.


Create X.509, CSRs and CRLs certificates, Create RSA, HD and DSA keys, Generate and verify signatures, Encoding and decoding, Parsing x509 certificate.


This library needs PHP 8 or greater, ext-openssl.


composer require adaopedro/php-openssl-proxy @dev

Example Usage

Creating a Self-Signed Certificate

use AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\SSCertificate;

$ssCertificate = (new SSCertificate(
    days: 365, //expiration
        countryName: "AO",
        stateOrProvinceName: "Angola",
        localityName: "Luanda",
        organizationName: "A Pedro Developers (SU), Lda",
        organizationalUnitName: "AP",
        commonName: "apedrodevelopers",
        emailAddress: ""

try {
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Creating a CA-Signed Certificate

use AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\CASCertificate;

$certificate = (new CASCertificate(
    days: 365, //expiration
    rootCertificate: $rootCertificate, //an instance of a Self-Signed Certificate, for example

try {
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

Exporting a certificate as a string

//$certificate => an instance of SS or CAS Certificate
echo $certificate->getx509();

Exporting a certificate as an PHP OpenSSLCertificate object

//$certificate => an instance of SS or CAS Certificate

Exporting public and private keys from a certificate

 //$certificate => an instance of SS or CAS Certificate

//$certificate => an instance of SS or CAS Certificate

    $certificate->getPrivateKeyDecrypted() //in case we're working with encrypt_key

Generating public and private keys

$pKey = \AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\generateNewPKey();

list($privKey, $pubKey) = \AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\exportKeysFrom($pKey);

echo $pubKey . PHP_EOL;
echo $privKey . PHP_EOL;


$data = "Hello world!!";

$signature = \AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\getSignatureFrom(

Signature verification

$data = "Hello world!!";

) === true
? "Verified"
: "Error. Data modified";

Parsing a PHP OpenSSLCertificate certificate object

//$certificate => an instance of SS or CAS Certificate

Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate

) === true
? "Yes. It does"
: "No. It does not";

Customizing OpenSSL configurations (in case when we're using certificate generator classes)

use AdaoPedro\OpenSSLProxy\SSCertificate;

//you can find the initial config file in root of lib directory
To customize, just pass the config filename as second parameter to SSCertificate constructor
or third parameter in case of CASCertificate

$certificate = (new SSCertificate(
    days: 365, //expiration
    configFilename: __DIR__ . "/openssl_configs.php"

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Name: PHP OpenSSL Proxy
Base name: php-openssl-proxy
Description: Manage certificates and encrypt data using OpenSSL
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: 7
License: MIT/X Consortium License
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Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file helpers_include.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file openssl_config.php Aux. Auxiliary script
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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.