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PHP AJAX Response Handler: Process AJAX requests with response handlers

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ajax-dispatcher 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...5.6PHP 5, AJAX


This package can process AJAX requests with response handlers.

It provides a dispatcher class that can register URL patterns of requests processed with different handlers.

The package can handle the requests using given controller classes, closure functions, or handler scripts loaded from a given directory.

Picture of Shakir El Amrani
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<?php declare(strict_types=1); ob_start(); $root = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); require $root . '/vendor/autoload.php'; require __DIR__ . '/app/controllers/PostController.php'; use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Http\Request; use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Http\Response; use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Handler\HandlerCollection; use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Router; use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Dispatcher; try { $request = new Request($_SERVER); $handlers = new HandlerCollection(require __DIR__ . '/handlers.php'); $router = new Router($request, 'handler', $handlers); $dispatcher = new Dispatcher($router); $router->registerControllers([ PostController::class ]); $dispatcher ->cleanBuffer() ->dispatch() ->stop(); } catch (\Throwable $ex) { Response::json(['error' => $ex->getMessage()], $ex->getCode())->send(); exit(); }



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Getting Started

composer require amranich/ajax-dispatcher:v1.0.0-beta2

You can copy/paste this code snippet for a quick start.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Http\Request;
use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Handler\HandlerCollection;
use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Handler\Handler;
use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Http\Response;
use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Router;
use AmraniCh\AjaxDispatcher\Dispatcher;

try {
    $request = new Request($_SERVER);

    $handlers = new HandlerCollection([
        // ?handler=hello&name=john
        Handler::get('hello', function (Request $request) {
            return Response::raw("Hello $request->name!!");

    $router     = new Router($request, 'handler', $handlers);
    $dispatcher = new Dispatcher($router);


} catch (\Exception $ex) {
    Response::json(['error' => $ex->getMessage()], $ex->getCode())->send();


Route to controller/class method

If you like to put the business logic in a separate class or in a controller, you can route your requests to them like this :

Handler::get('getProfile', [UserManager::class, 'getProfile']),

Or :

Handler::get('getProfile', 'UserManager@getProfile')

But you have after to register the controller namespace/instance in the router, like this :


If the controller/class has some dependencies that must be passed within the constructor, you can still instantiate the controller on yourself :

    new UserManager($dependencyOne, $dependencyTwo)

Catch handlers exceptions

*I want to catch exceptions that only occurs from my AJAX handlers, and not those thrown by the library or somewhere else, how I can do that ?*

Answer :

$dispatcher->onException(function (\Exception $ex) {
    // $ex exception thrown by a handler

Clean output buffer before calling requests handlers (Recommended)

To be sure that the response (output) for the ajax request it comes only from the defined handlers, and prevent unexpected echos from sending their content earlier to the browser use the cleanBuffer method :


Exit the script after dispatching the request (Recommended)

Use stop() to tell the dispatcher to exit the script right after the handler execution, this can be useful to ensure that the response (output) generated by your handlers will not be altered or modified after :



Security tips for production servers

1. Check for the request if it is an "AJAX request"

if (!$request->isAjaxRequest()) {
    Response::raw('bad request.', 400)->send();

Note : The isAjaxRequest method will look for the X-REQUESTED-WITH header in the coming request headers, which obviously can be spoofed. AJAX requests can be emulated very easily and there is a sure way to know that the request is definitely an "AJAX request", however, it recommended doing this check.

2. Check for your own URL

If you want to add an extra layer of security to your application, you can check for the HTTP_PREFER header that hold the address of the page that the request coming from.

if (!array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $request->getHeaders())
    || $request->getHeaderValue('HTTP_REFERER') !== '') {
    Response::raw('bad request.', 400)->send();

Note : HTTP headers can be spoofed, that means the content of the HTTP_PREFER header cannot be trusted.

3. Using CRSF tokens

Generate the CRSF token :


if (!isset($_SESSION['CSRF_TOKEN'])) {
    // random_bytes function introduced as of PHP 7
    $_SESSION['CSRF_TOKEN'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));

Inject the token somewhere in your page, for example in a meta tag :

<meta name="csrf-token" content="<?= $_SESSION['CSRF_TOKEN'] ?>">

Send the token in every AJAX request that you made :

    headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN':  $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') },

Complete example for production usage

I already implemented all these security tips in one example, if you want to check it out see the examples/production folder.



The idea of the library came to my mind a long time ago when I was mostly developing web applications using just plain PHP, some of these applications were performing a lot of AJAX requests into a single PHP file, that file can have a hundred lines of code that process these requests depending on a function/method name that send along with the request, so I started to think of ways to clean up this file to improve the readability and maintainability of the code.

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They support me

A special thanks to JetBrains company for their support to my OSS contributions.

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The library is licensed under the open source MIT licence.

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The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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