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BladeOneHtml: Create HTML forms using compiled templates

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bladeonehtml 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...5HTML, PHP 5, Cache, Templates
Description Author

This package can be used to create HTML forms using compiled templates.

It provides a trait that can be used in any class to process a view file that is a PHP script with some form template marks.

The trait loads the PHP script and processes the template by compiling it into another PHP script.

The compiled form template script will output the form HTML to display the form in the user browser.

On a second time the form is outputted again, the trait will load the previously compile form template, thus avoiding to process the template file again.

The trait can take also an array with values that will be loaded in the form inputs, so it may show the form loaded with previously submitted input values.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x

Winner: 1x




It is a PHP library that allows to create forms (view) easily, cleanly and without killing the performance. It uses the library BladeOne to renders the view. This library only uses a single dependency, one file and nothing more.

This library works in two ways:

  • It compiles a script (our view that use our tags), in a native php code.
  • And the next read, if the script exists, then it uses it (instead of re-compiling). And since the script is native code, then it is exactly like to work in vanilla-php but it is way easy to write and to maintenance.

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  1. This library requires eftec/bladeone. You could install via Composer in the root folder of your project as

> composer require eftec/bladeonehtml

  1. And you should extend the class as follow (BladeOneHtml is a Trait)
include "vendor/autoload.php";

use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
use eftec\bladeonehtml\BladeOneHtml;

class myBlade extends  BladeOne {
    use BladeOneHtml;

$blade=new myBlade();

// for our example:
echo $blade->run("exampleview", ['myvalue'=>$myvalue]);

  1. Create a folders called ? "\views" and ? "\compiles"
  2. Inside views, creates the next file ? "\views\exampleview.blade.php"
        @input(type="text" name="myform" value=$myvalue)
        @button(type="submit" value="Send")

$blade=new myBlade();


Template basic

This library adds a new set of tags for the template. The tags uses named arguments, so it is easily configurable.

> @<tag>(argument1="value" argument2='value' argument3=value argument4=$variable argument5=function(), argument6="aaa $aaa")

This library uses the native html arguments but some arguments are special

| Argument | Description | example | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | text | It adds a content between the tags. The inner value is always un-quoted. | @tag(text="hello") -> < tag>hello< /tag> | | pre | It adds a content before the tag | @tag(pre="hello") -> hello< tag>< /tag> | | post | It adds a content after the tag | @tag(post="hello") -> < tag>< /tag>hello | | between | It adds a content between the tags (it works similar than text) | @tag(between="hello") -> < tag>hello< /tag> | | value | Usually it works as the normal "value" of html but it also could works differently (in @textarea works like text) | @tag(value="hello") -> < tag value="hello">< /tag> | | values | Some components needs a list of object/arrays. This argument is used to sets the list of values | @tag(values=$countries) | | alias | Some components needs or use a list of object/array. This argument is to reference any row inside the list. If values is set and alias is missing, then it creates a new alias called values+"Row". | @tag($values=$countries alias=$country)<br />@tag($values=$countries ) it asumes alias=$countriesRow | | optgroup | The tag @select could list grouped elements. This argument is used to set the grouping | @tag($values=$countries alias=$country @optgroup=$country->continent) |

Let's say the next example

@input(value="hello world" type="text" )

It is rendered as

<input value="hello world" type="text" />

If the tag uses a variable of function, then this view

@input(value=$hello type="text" )

Is converted into

<input value="<?php echo $this->e($hello);?>" type="text" /> 

The method $this->e is used to escape the method.

> Note: This library allows any tag, even custom tags (but only if they don't enter in conflict with the special tags, see table) > > @input(value="hello world" type="text" mycustomtag="hi" ) > > Is converted into > > <input value="hello world" type="text" mycustomtag="hi" />

Template usage


It shows a input html.

Basic example:

@input(id="id1" value="hello world$somevar" type="text" )



It shows a label html

@label(for="id1" text="hello world:") 



It shows an image




It shows a select (dropdown list) html object


@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @items( id="chkx" value=$country->id text=$country->name)

> Note: items requires to set arguments



It is an utilitarian tag used inside some tags. This behave depending of their parent tag. It adds a simple line/row to the parent object.


    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')

It renders

<option value="aaa">hello world</option>


It is an utilitarian tag used inside some tags. This behave depending of their parent tag. It adds a multiples lines/rows to the parent object using the tag values

> Note: This tag requires some arguments: > > the parent(or this tag) requires the tagvalues* > the parent requires the tagvalue* It indicates the current selection (if any) > the parent(or this tag) requires the tagalias* If alias is missing the it uses the name of values + "Row", i.e. values=product -> alias= productRow > the parent(or this tag) requires the tagid* > * The rendered "id" will be generated using this id+"_"+"id of the row". i.e. id="idproduct" => idproduct_0, idproduct_1 > * Why? It is because the id must be unique (html specs)

Example, if $countries is a list of objects then :

@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
    @items( id="chkx" value=$country->id text=$country->name)

If $countries is a list of arrays then:

@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
    @items( id="chkx" value=$country['id'] text=$country['name'])

Inside the tag items, you could use the next variables

| variable (where values is the variable used) | Specification | | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | $valuesOptGroup | It stores the current optgroup (if any). Example: $productOptGroup | | $valuesKey | It indicates the current key of the current row. Example: $productKey | | $alias (if not alias is set then it uses $valuesRow) | The current row of the variable. Example: $productRow |


It starts an optional group (select)


@select(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
        @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
        @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
        @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')

> Note: this tag must be ended with the tag @endoptgroup



It adds a single checkbox


@checkbox(id="idsimple" value="1" checked="1" post="it is a selection")



It adds a single radio button


@radio(id="idsimple" value="1" checked="1" post="it is a selection")



It draws a text area.


@textarea(id="aaa" value="3333 3333 aaa3333 ")



It draws a button


@button(value="click me" type="submit" class="test" onclick='alert("ok")')



It adds an hyperlink


@link(href="" text="context")



It shows a list of checkboxes

@checkboxes(id="checkbox1" value=$selection alias=$country)
    @item(id="aa1" value='aaa' text='hello world' post="<br>")
    @item(id="aa2" value='aaa' text='hello world2' post="<br>")
    @items(values=$countries value='id' text='name' post="<br>")



It shows a list of radio buttons

@radios(id="radios1" name="aaa" value=$selection  alias=$country)
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world' post="<br>")
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world2' post="<br>")
    @items(values=$countries value='id' text='name' post="<br>")



It generates a file input value

@file(name="file" value="123.jpg" post="hello world")

> Note: it also renders a hidden file with name "name"+"_file" with the original value



It generates an unsorted list

@ul(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @items(value=$country->id text=$country->name)



It generates a sorted list

@ol(id="aaa" value=$selection values=$countries alias=$country)
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @item(value='aaa' text='hello world')
    @items(value=$country->id text=$country->name)



It renders a table

@table(class="table" values=$countries alias=$country border="1")
    @tablebody(id='hello world'  )
            @cell(text=$country->id style="background-color:orange")
            @cell(text=$country->cod )
        @cell(text="id" colspan="3")



It renders the header of the table (optional). Each cell added inside it, is rendered as "th" html tag


It renders the body of the table (optional). Each cells added inside it, is rendered as "td" html tag


It renders the footer of the table (optional). Each cell added inside it, is rendered as "th" html tag


It generates a row inside the body


It renders a cell inside the tablehead,tablebody (tablerows) or tablefooter

Version history

1.0 2020-04-20 First version

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