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Laravel Database Filter Result Class: Compose condition filters to retrieve query result

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laravel-database-fil 1.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Databases, Libraries
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This class can compose condition filters to retrieve query result.

It provides a base classes and traits to be create filter implementation classes that define conditions that will be used to compose SQL queries that retrieve database table records that will be mapped to objects.

The filter implementation classes can define one filter condition by specifying field names and values to be matched in the SQL queries.

There may also exist composite filter implementation classes that define a set of conditions which can be defined in separate filter classes.

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Laravel Database Filter

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Need to filter database results with a query string? Filter Laravel Model With Query Strings


You can install the package via composer:

composer require infinitypaul/laravel-database-filter

The package will automatically register itself, but if your laravel versions is < 5.5 you will need to add Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\LaravelDatabaseFilterServiceProvider::class, service provider under your config/app.php file.


Once the package is installed, an artisan command is available to you.

php artisan make:filter 

Generate a new model filter

php artisan make:filter SchoolFilter --model

This package will generate a new PHP file under app/Filters/ folder with the name SchoolFilter.php which will look like below.


namespace App\Filters;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FiltersAbstract;

class SchoolFilter extends FiltersAbstract {
        protected $filters = [];

Add The filterTrait and Register The SchoolFilter On Your Laravel Model Where The Filter Will Be Used.

namespace App;

use App\Filters\SchoolFilter;
use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Traits\filterTrait;

class Course extends Model
    use filterTrait;

    protected $filter = SchoolFilter::class;


Let assume we are to filter our database by checking those who have paid. Then we need to create a new filter class by using the artisan command below.

php artisan make:filter PaidFilter

The above command will also generate a new PHP file under app/Filters folder with the name PaidFilter.php which will look like below.

namespace App\Filters;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FilterAbstract;

class PaidFilter extends FilterAbstract
        public function mappings ()
            return [];

        public function filter(Builder $builder, $value)
            return $builder;

Then we can register our filter conditions in the SchoolFilter We Created Above.

namespace App\Filters;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FiltersAbstract;

class SchoolFilter extends FiltersAbstract {
        protected $filters = [
            'paid' => PaidFilter::class

The $filters Array Key will be shown in the query string as paid.


The value PaidFilter::class takes us to the new class we created with the artisan command.

namespace App\Filters;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FilterAbstract;

class PaidFilter extends FilterAbstract
        public function mappings ()
            return [];

        public function filter(Builder $builder, $value)
            return $builder->where('difficulty', $value);

The filter method takes in our conditions or whatever checks against the database

To be strict about query params input, we can use the mapping method or leave empty for free entry

namespace App\Filters;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FilterAbstract;

class PaidFilter extends FilterAbstract
        public function mappings ()
            return [
                'free' => true,
                'premium' => false

With the above setup, You can only accept free or paid in your query params, and their values return accordingly.

Lastly, You should be able to add the filter() passing in your $request in your controller.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Course;
use App\Filters\AccessFilter;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class CourseController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request){
        return Course::filter($request)->get();

You Can Register As Many Filter You Want


namespace App\Filters;

use Infinitypaul\LaravelDatabaseFilter\Abstracts\FiltersAbstract;

class SchoolFilter extends FiltersAbstract {
        protected $filters = [
            'paid' => PaidFilter::class,
            'access' => AccessFilter::class,
            'difficulty' => DifficultyFilter::class

With The Above Settings, Your Url Will End Up Like This

You can add custom filter to your controller, by passing an array of filter into the filter scope

  public function index(Request $request){
        return Course::filter($request, ['score' => DifficultyFilter::class])->get();

Bug & Features

If you have spotted any bugs, or would like to request additional features from the library, please file an issue via the Issue Tracker on the project's Github page:


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

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Thanks! Edward Paul.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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