PHP Classes

Vourto: Validate request values of different types

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Version License PHP version Categories
vourto 1.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Validation
Description Author

This package can validate request values of different types.

It can take an array of GET or POST request values and validates it according to given types and accepted value formats.

It can check the values maximum and minimum length, matching a pattern, and type.

If all values are valid, a given callback function is called.

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Vourto is a PHP library that allows agility and usability on the code. The best solution currently.


You can download the library using Composer (recommended) or simply download it directly from GitHub repository.


Download the composer file (composer.json) from our repository to you local/public server or copy the below code

    "name": "vourto/vourto",
    "description": "PHPLib for code optimization and clean.",
    "type": "library",
    "keywords": ["Vourto", "lib"],
    "license": "MIT",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Mauro Alexandre",
            "email": "",
            "role": "Development"
    "require": {
        "php": "^5.6.2 || ^7.0"
composer require vourto/vourto

Direct download

Clone the repository

git clone

or download directly


To use the library you must include autoload.php in your application

require_once "Vourto/autoload.php";

See below the syntax for better learning

$app = Prop::exec(method [POST | GET], data [array], callback [function]);

NOTE: if isn?t defined the callback returns true case onsuccess event be acioned.

the first example verifies if $_GET['id'] exists and returns a notice error.

require_once "Vourto/autoload.php";

$app = Prop::exec(
	array("profile" => array(
		"id" => array(
		"callback" => "ID cannot be empty"
echo $app->getStd();

//output (onfail)
//ID cannot be empty

//output (onsuccess)

You can use a callback in the event onsuccess

$app = Prop::exec(
	array("profile" => array(
		"id" => array(
		"callback" => "ID cannot be empty"
        //code here

//output (onfail)
//ID cannot be empty

//output (onsuccess)
//[generated the code]

The next examples verifies if id exists and if it's length is < 4 or > 11

require_once "Vourto/autoload.php";

$app = Prop::exec(
	array("profile" => array(
		"id" => array(
		"minlegth" => array("value" => 4, "callback" => "ID must be at least 4 characters"),
		"maxlegth" => array("value" => 11, "callback" => "ID must be a maximum of 11 characters"),
		"callback" => "ID cannot be empty"
        header("location: page.php?id=${_GET["id"]}");
echo $app->getStd();

The code above is equivalent to the below code

if(isset($_GET["id"] === false)){
echo "ID cannot be empty";
}elseif(strlen($_GET["id"]) < 4){
echo "ID must be at least 4 characteres";
}elseif(strlen($_GET["id"]) > 11){
echo "ID must be a maximum of 11 characters";
header("location: page.php?id=${_GET["id"]}");

Now try verifying 2 elements using a lot of if statement's and compare it to using Vourto LIB.

There are yet another functions: - type [numeric, double?] - pattern [regex]

To see more examples: search the path named /bin/ and open the examples files.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with lib ? Contact me and I'll help you sort it out.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageVourto (2 files, 2 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file _config.yml Data Auxiliary data

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