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phpreports: Report Generator

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phpreports 1.0.0GNU General Publi...XML, Databases
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phpreports is a PHP report generator application that uses XML report layout files to generate PHP code and show a report.

It supports grouping, subgrouping, functions like sum(), avg(), min(), max() etc..

Please refer to the Freshmeat site or for complete documentation and latest code.


How to implement a reporting tool or library?
I need to implement a reporting tool or library

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written by TaQ (
February 2003

	1   - What is PHPReports ?
	2   - What I need to use it ?
	3   - Does I need to pay you to use it ?
	4	 - Tell me how it works.
	4.1 - Report structure
	5   - A simple example
	5.1 - Report layout
	5.2 - PHP code
	5.3 - XML layout file
	6   - DTD file
	6.1 - REPORT element 
	6.2 - COL element
	6.3 - ROW element
	6.4 - HEADER element
	6.5 - FOOTER element
	6.6 - PAGE element
	6.7 - FIELD element
	6.8 - GROUP element
	6.9 - GROUPS element
	6.10- LINK element
	6.11- XHTML element
	7   - Validating your document
	8   - File list
	9   - Final considerations
	10  - Changelog
	11  - Index of the most common PHP functions in the PHPReports classes
	12  - FAQ

	1 - What is PHPReports ?
		PHPReports is a set of PHP classes, XML instructions and a XSLT 
		script to transform the XML file into PHP code. The generated
		PHP code will be used with the PHP classes.
		I started the idea when I needed to make all the stuff we use
		on programs like Visual Basic and Foxpro on the browser, and 
		one of the things that I didn't found was how to make and print
		reports, using a SQL query, on a easy (not so easy but) way,
		using the browser. Nowadays it runs fine here where I work, and
		I hope it could be usefull for you guys too.
	2 - What I need to use it ?

		You need a Apache server with PHP support compiled with XML/XSLT
		support. I use the Sablotron libs to make this
		(, and all the
		examples will be based on it. 

	3 - Does I need to pay you to use it ?
		Hell, no. It's under the GPL, you don't need to pay. Just follow
		the GPL rules and everybody will be happy. I really was needing
		some way to contribute to the open source community, and I hope
		it was just the beginning. If you really loved PHPReports and 
		want to make some kind of donation or stuff, you can see my
		Amazon wish list at Just search for
		Eustáquio Rangel there. :-)

	4 - Tell me how it works
		I heard one day a very smart teacher says that "the purpose of
		a good documentation is that you don't need the author fixed
		on it, on your bookshelf". I'll try to do the best I can to make
		it come true, so here we go.
		A report, on PHPReports or any other program that deal with that,
		have always some divisions. I call it:

		- the document layer
		- the page layer
		- the group layer

		You just have one document layer, one page layer (you can have
		a lot of pages, but just one page layer to configure) and some
		group layers. 
		All these layers collect information about the data on your
		report, like the number of lines, statistics about the fields
		and so on.
		The document layer stores ALL these statistics, and stores it
		till the report end. 
		The page layer stores it till the page end, and reset it there.
		The group layer stores it till the end of group, let me 
		translate here group as a set of data defined by a break
		expression, which could be any kind of field contained on your
		data set.
		Each layer have its own header and footer. The group layer have
		one more division where it shows the data info. If you have more
		than one group ( even when you have just a simple report, you 
		need to add one group to deal with your info ), the most internal
		group will show you the data, the other one can show it too, but
		its your choice. Let me try to draw the full thing here:

	4.1 - Report structure	
		| DOCUMENT_LAYER                   |
		| HEADER                           |
		|                                  |
		| +------------------------------+ |
		| | PAGE_LAYER                   | |
		| +------------------------------+ |
		| | HEADER                       | |
		| |                              | |
		| | +--------------------------+ | |
		| | | GROUP LAYER              | | |
		| | | break expression A       | | |
		| | +--------------------------+ | |
		| | | HEADER                   | | |
		| | | FIELDS                   | | |
		| | |                          | | |
		| | | +----------------------+ | | |
		| | | | GROUP LAYER          | | | |
		| | | | break expression A,B | | | |
		| | | +----------------------+ | | |
		| | | | HEADER               | | | |
		| | | | FIELDS               | | | |
		| | | | FOOTER               | | | |
		| | | +----------------------+ | | |
		| | | FOOTER                   | | |
		| | |                          | | |
		| | +--------------------------+ | |
		| |                              | |
		| | FOOTER                       | |
		| +------------------------------+ |
		|                                  |
		| FOOTER                           |
		So, document contains page, page contains groups, and a group can contain another group.
		One rule on that case is that the break expression of the inner group must contain the
		break expression of the group above. On the example, the first group break when A
		changes, and the second group breaks when A or B changes. When this happens, its fired
		an event that notify that the group needs to print its footer and header, and all the 
		other groups related to it are notified too, to make what needs to be done.
	5 - A simple example

		Ok, lets suppose you have the following table on your database (its not a good table
		design, but its just for the example):

		ID       NUMBER 5
		NAME     CHAR   50
		CITY	   CHAR   50

		If you do this query:
		select * from SalesLog order by ID

		you get:

		1 - Eustaquio Rangel - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP - Book: Linux Programming Guide     - 25.00
		1 - Eustaquio Rangel - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP - Book: Design Patterns             - 35.00
		2 - Ana Carolina     - Sao Jose do Rio Preto, SP - Book: Photoshop 7.0               - 22.50
		3 - Andre Kada       - Sao Paulo, SP             - CD: Kreator - Violent Revolutions - 15.00

		*** USEFUL TIP ***
		For more samples, check the website ( with the files 
		included here.

	5.1 - Report layout
		Now you need a report grouping your data by city, something like this:
		| John Doe Enterprises                  |////+--- document layer
		| Sales Report                          |////|
		| city | <city goes here>               |\\\\|
		| id   | name   | product     | $       |\\\\|
		+------+--------+-------------+---------+\\\\+--- group layer
		| <id> | <name> |	<product>	| <value> |\\\\|
		|                       total | <total> |\\\\|
		|                  page total | <total> |////+--- page layer
		|                report total | <total> |\\\\+--- document layer (again)

		The first thing you need to think is make your report layout as a HTML table
		( to be honest, IT IS a HTML table ), so on the report above we have a HTML
		table with 4 columns and 8 rows.

	5.2 - PHP code
		Now let's see the PHP code to ask your database about your data and make the

			include 'PHPReportMaker.php';
			$sql  = "select ID,NAME,CITY,PRODUCT,VALUE from SalesLog order by ID";
			$parm = Array();
			makeReport( "sales.xml", "PHPReport.xsl", "scott", "tiger", "connection", "databaseinterface", $sql, $parm );
		The makeReport function is the only one PHP function you'll need to deal with. Let's take
		a look on the parameters above:
			1  - "sales.xml" - a string with the report layout
			2  - "PHPReports.xsl" - a XSLT file used to convert all the XML files into PHP code
			3  - "scott" - a string with the database user name
			4  - "tiger" - a string with the user password
			5  - "connection"- the database connection
			6  - "databaseinterface"	- you'll need to specify which database you're connecting with,
			     for example, "oracle".
			7  - $sql - a string with the SQL query
			8  - $parm - an array with parameters - limited to 5 parameters			  

		If you think there's is too much parameters on the makeReport function (sometimes I think
		this way too), there's a class to help with this. It's named PHPReportMaker and the example
		above will looks like this using it:

			include 'PHPReportMaker.php';
			$sql  = "select ID,NAME,CITY,PRODUCT,VALUE from SalesLog order by ID";
			$oRpt	= new PHPReportMaker();

		Did you noticed that we didn't use the parameter array and the XSLT? The class have some 
		default values on it (to be honest, just the parameter is a Array() as default, the
		XSLT processor is always "PHPReport.xsl" and the rest of the parameters are all null and 
		it wont work if you try to run it this way ehehe) and - for not mandatory parameters - 
		we can run it this way. Sometimes is very easier and coding understandable use the class 
		than the function. 
		Pay attention specially on the XSLT file - if its not on your current dir, it wont work
		and you'll need to tell where it is. So you'll need something like 
		$oRpt->setXSLT(<myXSLTfilefullpath>) also.

		The makeReports parameters are:

		1  - a string with the path to the XML report file, where is the report layout *REQUIRED*
		2  - a string with the path to the XSLT file used on the transformation *REQUIRED*
		3  - a string with the database user name *REQUIRED*
		4  - a string with the database password *REQUIRED*
		5  - a string with the database connection name - for ex. in Oracle, a name in 
		     the TNSNAMES.ORA file *REQUIRED*
		6  - a string with the database interface (read about this below) *REQUIRED*
		7  - a string with your sql query *REQUIRED*
		8  - an Array with parameters
		9  - a string with the database name you want to use
		10 - a string with PHP code output file path - the PHP classes generated with the 
		     XML -> XSLT files to run your report
		11 - a string with the HTML result file path - when this parameter is not null,
		     the file will be created and no output will be done when running your report,
			  but its useful when you want to deal with another other thing before showing
			  the report on the screen - for ex. I use it when I want users open the report
			  on a new page when they want to do it, so I put some temporary name here and 
			  make a link inside a Javascript script to open it.
		12 - boolean - if true, PHPReports will give you a brief description of your report, 
		     after process it - there you can see how PHPReports is "seeing" your XML layout file.
		If you specify a PHP file to be created with the parameter 10, you *MUST* erased it
		after the use, because it keeps the database user and password stored right there.
		If you just use the parameter 10 as null, the file will be automatically erased 
		after the report output. Use as non null for debugging purposes.

		The PHPReportMaker class have these methods:

		run()												- used when all parameters are ok - fire the report.
		setXML(string)/getXML()						- set/get the XML file path
		setXSLT(string)/getXSLT()					- set/get the XSLT file path
		setUser(string)/getUser()					- set/get the database user name
		setPassword(string)/getPassword()		- set/get the database password
		setConnection(string)/getConnection()	- set/get the connection name
		setDatabaseInterface(string)/				- set/get the database interface
		setSQL(string)/getSQL()						- set/get the SQL query string
		setParameters(array)/getParameters()	- set/get the parameters array
		setDatabase(string)/getDatabase()		- set/get the database name
		setPHPOutput(string)/getPHPOutput()		- set/get the PHP output file path
		setOutput(string)/getOutput()				- set/get the HTML output file path
		setDebug(boolean)/getDebug()				- set/get the debug feature

		Just to take a quick explanation before going to the long one, the database interfaces
		are some files with "db_" on the first position of its names. For example, there's a
		db_oracle.php I'm working right now. Inside of it there's some functions to provide
		ways to open the connection with the database, run the SQL query and so on. Since a
		database uses different functions than the others, you can specify the way it will
		handle that funcionality. The user and password parameters are used to open the
		connection specified by the connection parameter. 
		I'm using the Oracle interface right now, I'll put some others on it, if you
		make one please send me to be included on the project.

	5.3 - XML layout file
		Since PHPReports 0.0.8 I included some XML samples with the package - check the website
		for samples.
		Now, the XML report layout. It is specified by the sales.xml parameter, but what sales.xml
		have inside ? Remember the HTML table comparison ? So, we'll need a XML *well-formed*
		doc like that, with rows and columns. But with the three report layers defined on it
		too !!! It will looks like :

		(P.S.: The sales.xml included in the package is not equal this one - its here just for 
		example purposes)

		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
		<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="PHPReport.xsl"?>
			<TITLE>Sales Report</TITLE>
						<COL COLSPAN="3" TEXTCLASS="BOLD" ALIGN="RIGHT">report total</COL>
			<PAGE SIZE="30">
		            <COL COLSPAN="4" TEXTCLASS="BOLD">John Doe Enterprises</COL>
				      <COL COLSPAN="4" TEXTCLASS="BOLD">Sales Report</COL>
				      <COL COLSPAN="3" TEXTCLASS="BOLD" ALIGN="RIGHT">page total</COL>
		            <COL TYPE="EXPRESSION" TEXTCLASS="BOLD" ALIGN="RIGHT">$this->getSum( "VALUE" )</COL>
		      <GROUP NAME="CityBreak" EXPRESSION="CITY">
		               <COL ALIGN="RIGHT">city:</COL>
		               <COL TYPE="EXPRESSION" COLSPAN="3" TEXTCLASS="BOLD">$header->getValue( "CITY" )</COL>
		               <COL VISIBLE="FALSE">CITY</COL>
		               <COL ALIGN="RIGHT">total</COL>
		So, let's take a look on it. First of all, we have three lines of XML instructions
		about version, encoding, and the DTD file (we talk about it on the next section),
		and our root element, always defined by the REPORT tag. REPORT have some elements 
		inside of it, but we'll see it later ( we have the TITLE, PATH, BACKGROUND_COLOR 
		and CSS elements defined here ). Next will come the DOCUMENT tag ( remember it? ) with the 
		FOOTER defined. FOOTER, as HEADER and other tags, have ROWs and COLs inside of it.
		After the REPORT tag, we have the PAGE tag and the GROUPS tag, with GROUPs tags
		inside of it. 
		You can have a preview of how your report will look like, *without* the data,
		using the PHPReportPreview.php file. Just point your web browser to the file,
		using a "xml" parameter with the full path of your XML report layout file, for ex.:


		You really need to specify the full XML path and you *must* run PHPReportPreview
		on the same dir where is located the PHPReportPreview.xsl file. Of course
		you can change this behaviour on the PHPReportPreview.php code, its really
		easy to do that. :-)

	5.4 - DTD file
		Let's take a closer look on the PHPReports.dtd file ( if you don't know what the 
		hell are XML tags, a DTD file and stuff like that, search on the web about some 
		quick-and-easy XML tutorial, will be better to understand the way the things works 
		here, is a good choice ):

		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

	6 - DTD file
	6.1 - REPORT element		

		Elements inside:
		TITLE					- the HTML title that will appear on the window's title.
		PATH					- the path where the PHPReports classes are. 
								  another thing you must do its provide a final slash (/)
								  on the path (ex. phpreports/). its also a good idea 
								  put the contents of the PHPReports tar file on a directory
								  without any other classes, just for organization. :-) you
								  can set the include_path on PHP too to fit where the 
								  PHPReports classes are and avoid this feature.
		BACKGROUND_COLOR	- report background color
		BACKGROUND_IMAGE	- report background image
		CSS					- path to the CSS file you want to use on your report
		SQL					- you can write the SQL query here if you want to
		DOCUMENT				- the document layer
		PAGE					- the page layer 
		GROUPS				- the GROUPS element ( not the group layer! )

		MARGINWIDTH			- margin width, in pixels
		MARGINHEIGHT		- margin height, in pixels 

	6.2 - COL element		

		Elements inside:

		LINK - LINK element (see 6.10)


		TYPE				- if you define type as EXPRESSION, PHPReports will parse all you put
							  on the COL element as PHP code
		NUMBERFORMAT   - if its a numeric column, you can specify here how to format it, using
		                 the C formatting standard ( for example, "%10.2f" )
		NUMBERFORMATEX - number format extended. use this property to format numbers with 
							  decimal places and thousands separator. put the number of decimal places
							  on the property value. remember to use setLocale to the locale you want.							
		CELLCLASS		- specify here a CSS class the column cell will use
		TEXTCLASS		- specify here a CSS class that the column text will use										  
		ROWSPAN			- how many rows this cell will use
		COLSPAN			- how many cols this cell will use
		WIDTH				- the cell width
		HEIGHT			- the cell height
		ALIGN				- cell horizontal alignment
		VALIGN			- cell vertical alignment
		VISIBLE			- if FALSE, this column will not be visible when on the group layer
		SUPPRESS			- if TRUE, will not show repeated values on the group layer

	6.3 - ROW element
		Elements inside:
		COL - COL element (see 6.2)

	6.4 - HEADER element
		Elements inside:
		ROW - ROW element (see 6.3)		

	6.5 - FOOTER element
		Elements inside:
		ROW - ROW element (see 6.3)		

	6.6 - PAGE element
		Elements inside:
		HEADER - HEADER element (see 6.4)
		FOOTER - FOOTER element (see 6.5)


		SIZE        - the number of lines this page will have
		WIDTH       - page width, in pixels
		HEIGHT      - page height, in pixels
		CELLPADDING	- inner page cell padding ( the same as HTML TABLE CELLPADDING )
		CELLSPACING - inner page cell spacing ( the same as HTML TABLE CELLSPACING )
		BORDER		- the page border between the rows and cols, you can set it greater than 0
		              to see how your table is looking like
		ALIGN			- the alignment of the page on browser window
	6.7 - FIELD element
		Elements inside:
		ROW - ROW element (see 6.3)
	6.8 - GROUP element
		Elements inside:
		HEADER - HEADER element (see 6.4)
		FIELDS - FIELD element (see 6.7)
		FOOTER - FOOTER element (see 6.5)
		GROUP  - GROUP element (this one! a group can contain another group)


		NAME       - name of the group, will be used to create a class with this name
		EXPRESSION - the field name where the group break expression will be based, I 
		             mean, when this field value changes, will be fired a group break
		PAGEBREAK  - if YES, everytime this group breaks it will generate a page break 						 
	6.9 - GROUPS element
		Elements inside:
		GROUP - GROUP element (see 6.8)

	6.10 - LINK element		


		TYPE   - STATIC for static links, ie links that do not change or
		         DYNAMIC for links that change with the values of a sql result field.
		TARGET - target frame where the link will open
		TITLE	 - mouse over tooltip text				 

	6.11 - XHTML element
		Elements inside:
		Every XHTML element you want.	

	7 - Validating your document		

		You can use RXP ( to validate your
		XML file, ALWAYS BEFORE use it on the browser (trust me, it's a good idea). 
		The syntax is something like this:

		rxp -V -o 0 <file.xml>

	8 - File list
		db_mysql.php         - MySQL interface
		db_oracle.php        - Oracle interface
		db_interbase.php     - Interbase interface
		db_mssql.php		   - Microsoft SQL Server interface
		db_adodb.php			- ADODB interface (thanks Aztek!)
		PHPRepoDoc.php	      - document layer object
		PHPRepoField.php     - database field object
		PHPRepoGroup.php     - group layer object
		PHPRepoPage.php      - page layer object
		PHPRepoRow.php       - database row object
		PHPReport.dtd        - XML validation file
		PHPReportMaker.php   - the function/class used to make the reports
		phpreports.css       - style file
		PHPReport.xsl        - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportCol.xsl     - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportDoc.xsl     - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportField.xsl   - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportGroup.xsl   - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportPage.xsl    - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportTable.xsl   - XSLT transformation file
		PHPReportXHTML.xsl   - XSLT transformation file
		sales.php				- PHP sample file
		sales7.php				- PHP sample file
		sales.xml            - XML example file														
		sales2.xml           - XML example file														
		sales3.xml           - XML example file														
		sales3b.xml          - XML example file														
		sales4.xml           - XML example file														
		sales5.xml           - XML example file														
		sales6.xml           - XML example file														
		sales7.xml           - XML example file														
		sales8.xml				- XML example file
		PHPReportPreview.xsl - XSLT transformation file for previewing
		PHPReportPreview.php - code for use with the preview XSLT
		README					- this file
		LEIAME					- this file, but the Portuguese version

	9 - Final considerations
	   No final considerations. :-) Test the tags and attributes to see which 
		satisfy your needs, make a lot of tests, I think everything should run
		just fine. See ya !!!		

	10 - Changelog
		2002 August 11 
		- rewriten some code to keep the database interfaces on a smooth way to deal with
		- added the mySQL interface file
		- changes made on the XSLT file
		- added XSLT file path on the makeReport function			
		- added database parameter on the makeReport function			

		2002 August 31
		- added the m$ SQL Server interface
		- some corrections made on this document

		2002 September 2
		- added the NUMBERFORMATEX property, to format numbers with decimal places and
		  thousands separator.

		2002 September 10
		- major bug fix: the values processed was not going to the header group, so
		  you could not referer to it (always null). now it works.
		- added a reference to the header data with the $header var. now you can
		  refer to the header data using $oValue (urgh!) or $header (nice). :-)		    

		2002 September 11
		- added the getRowNum() function, to return the row number on the page object.  

		2002 October 21
		- fixed some stuff here on docs (thanks to Remigijus Sajauka)

		2002 December 27
		- fixed some stuff here on the docs again

		2003 January 23
		- added the HTML file output parameter
		- created the PHPReportMaker class
		- added the FAQ section here on the README file

		2003 January 26 (1 week of vacations! ooh-hoo!)
		- modified the parameters - now you can reference to it with the array key (if
		  is there any) or on the numeric form (still 1 based, not 0)

		2003 January 28
		- MAJOR BUG! MySQL returns some numeric fields as REAL type, and I didn't faced
		  it yet. Now its fixed. It corrects the behaviour of all the grouping functions
		  (getSum(),getMax(),getMin()...) who checks the field type to process its value.		   
		  my apologies to all the people who are using mySQL.
		- to fix the bug above, we need a way to see how PHPReports is seeing the data
		  types, so I introduced the debug() function -	check the makeReport parameters
		  above - to debug how PHPReports is "seeing" your	XML layout file and on this
		  kind of bug, what the field type string the database is returning, remember that
		  only numeric fields are allowed to use the grouping functions.

		2003 January 29
		- spent all day writing the new site ... a lot of documentation, oh man I hate
		  to do that ehehe. :-)		  
		- added the sample files - XML, PHP and CSS. check the website
		  ( for instructions how to use it.
		- will release 0.0.8 today.		  

		2003 February 04
		- created the PHPReportPreview file. you can use it to preview how your report
		  layout is looking like *before* run the SQL query on your database. it can
		  save some time and data processing to you. Just refer to it on your web
		  browser with the parameter "xml" with your XML layout file path. for ex:


		  you really need to specify the full XML path and you *must* run PHPReportPreview
		  on the same dir where is located the PHPReportPreview.xsl file. of course
		  you can change this behaviour on the PHPReportPreview.php code, its really
		  easy to do that. :-)

		2003 February 09
		- translated this file to its Portuguese version, the LEIAME file			 

		2003 February 10
		- changed the way it print values - if no value is present on the
		  field, it prints a white space, to make the HTML cell table look
		  "right" (thanks to Kenneth N. Flaxman for my first patch!)
		- created the CELLCLASSEVEN and CELLCLASSODD parameters - use it in
		  the fields elements to make a distinction between even and odd rows
		  (based on the current group). you can check sales3b.xml for an 

		2003 February 15
		- added the Interbase database interface (thanks to Andre "Biriba"
		  <> for his patience testing the interface -
		  I don't have a Interbase database for testing ehehehe).
		- added the LINK element to insert HTML A HREF links inside the
		  COL element.		  

		2003 February 22
		- splitted the main XSLT file into smaller ones - easier to manage
		- added the ADODB interface - thank you very much, Aztek!
		  to use this, set the set setDatabaseInterface("adodb") and
		  setConnection to something like setConnection("mysql:localhost");
		- added support for XHTML elements into the XML file - pay attention,
		  its XHTML and not HTML, there's very few differences (the XHTML 
		  files need to be well-formed) about them, learn more about on	  

	11  - Index of the most common PHP functions in the PHPReports classes

		You can use some functions to returns you some values of the current
			getValue("field")   - returns the current value of the field.
			getMin("field")     - returns the min value of the field on the current group
			getMax("field")     - returns the max value of the field on the current group
			getSum("field")     - returns the sum of all the field values on the current group
			getAvg("field")     - returns the average of all the field values on the current group
			getRowCount()       - returns the row count of the current group
			getParameter(index) - returns the parameter on the index position (1 based)
			getParameter("key") - returns the parameter on the specified key

		You must use this functions with the $this-> reference. For example:

		inside your XML file. The only exception is with values you get from
		the HEADER element. You must use the $oValue-> reference there, for


		If you're using a version greater or equal 0.0.5, you can use the $header
		var to do that also (I think the name is more "clear" ):

		*** IMPORTANT ***

		I explain why. PHPReports just process the field values when it 
		reachs the ROW element on the GROUP element. When it is on the HEADER 
		element, the values are passed there with the $header ( former $oValue )
		object, but	its not processed to be refered with the $this reference yet. 

		You need to understand that regarding the header values ...

		Another other thing I must say that can be a little confuse is about
		getParameter(). When you put the parameters values on the array you
		use on the makeReport function, its 0 based. But when you get the
		parameter on the XML file, its 1 based. I think its just weird you
		say "get the parameter 0" so I put this way. Don't know if was a 
		good idea, but at least you can say "get the first parameter". :-)

		On January 23 2003 I changed this only way to reference to the parameters
		with the possibility to reference using the array keys too. In my opinion
		its easier to deal with it ... for example:
		On the numeric reference way:
		$parm		= Array();
		$parm[0]	= "SAO PAULO";
		$parm[1] = "RIO DE JANEIRO";
		and on the XML file	

		getParameter(1); <- will return SAO PAULO - remember, 1 based, not 0
		getParameter(2); <- will return RIO DE JANEIRO

		On the key reference way:

		$parm				= Array();
		$parm["from"]	= "SAO PAULO";
		$parm["to"]		= "RIO DE JANEIRO";

		and on the XML file

		getParameter("from");	// will return SAO PAULO
		getParameter("to");		// will return RIO DE JANEIRO
	12 - FAQ

		Q: How can I test if Sablotron is running ok?
		A: Make a little test with the sales6.xml file and the PHPReportPreview.xsl 
		   file, run the sabcmd like this:
			sabcmd PHPReportPreview.xsl sales6.xml test.html

			It must return a valid HTML output in the test.html. Open it on your 
			browser to see a preview of the report layout.
		Q: I got an error running the report and all the instalation stuff
		   is ok ... something like Fatal error: Call to a member function on 
			a non-object in blah blah blah ... what is happening?
		A:	Check the case of the fields on the SQL query and on the XML report 
		   layout file - some databases needs the fields exactly equal, upper
			and lower chars.			
		Q: My output is zero lines of data. What is happening?
		A: Check the PAGE SIZE parameter, if its too tiny you will not see
		   your report.

		Q: I'm having some trouble with the PHPReports classes - it tells
		   me that its not finding some classes to include.
		A: There's a parameter PATH on the REPORT element. If using it your
		   problem is not over, remove the PATH parameter and add the PHPReports 
			path to your PHP code using ini_set("<your_phpreports_files_dir>"). I
			think this way is better. :-)	

		Q: I can get any values on the header.
		A: Use $header and not $this and check the HEADER element explanation above.	

		Q:	The grouping functions (getSum(),getMin()) are not working! I just
		   get 0 or null results when invoking them.
		A: Please uset the setDebug(true) method and email me the output - 
		   there PHPReports will tell how it is seeing the field types, and
			since it just process numeric fields, maybe the way your database
			is returning the field type is not one of the types I put as numeric
			ones. You don't need to send me the full report, just the description.
			Ah, and tell me what database you're using too.		

		Q: Where can I find more info about PHPReports?
		A: Check the website,	
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file db_adodb.php Aux. ADOdb database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file db_interbase.php Aux. Interbase database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file db_mssql.php Aux. ms sql database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file db_mysql.php Aux. MySQL database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file db_oracle.php Aux. Oracle database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file db_postgresql.php Aux. PostgreSQL database interface
Accessible without login Plain text file LEIAME Doc. Portuguese readme file
Plain text file PHPRepoDebug.php Class Class for debugging
Plain text file PHPRepoDoc.php Class Document layer
Plain text file PHPRepoField.php Class Field layer
Plain text file PHPRepoFieldURL.php Class Field URL class
Plain text file PHPRepoGroup.php Class Group layer
Plain text file PHPRepoPage.php Class Page layer
Plain text file PHPRepoRow.php Class Row layer
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReport.dtd Data Validation DTD file
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReport.xsl Data XSLT file
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportCol.xsl Data Column layer
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportDoc.xsl Data Document layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportField.xsl Data Field layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportGroup.xsl Data Group layer transformation
Plain text file PHPReportMaker.php Class Report maker class
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportPage.xsl Data Page layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportPreview.php Aux. Preview class
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportPreview.xsl Data Preview layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file phpreports.css Data CSS file
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportTable.xsl Data Table layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file PHPReportXHTML.xsl Data XHTML layer transformation
Accessible without login Plain text file README Doc. Readme file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales.php Example Sales sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales2.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales3.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales3b.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales4.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales5.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales6.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales7.php Example Sales sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales7.xml Data XML sample file
Accessible without login Plain text file sales8.xml Data XML sample file

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