PHP Classes

You're using mysql_ to access the database.

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Subject:You're using mysql_ to access the...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Ørjan Langbakk
Date:2015-11-08 22:05:00


Ørjan Langbakk rated this package as follows:

Utility: Not sure
Consistency: Sufficient

  1. You're using mysql_ to access the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ørjan Langbakk Ørjan Langbakk - 2015-11-08 22:05:00
You're using mysql_ to access the database. This function-call has been deprecated for over 10 years, and it's highly discouraged to use it for anything. Especially given that this is a "new" framework, using mysql_ instead of mysqli_ or PDO is really bad. If you update the framework to actually use a sane DB-handler, it might be useable - in its current state, it's probably not something that SHOULD be used.

  2. Re: You're using mysql_ to access the...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Juraj Puchký Juraj Puchký - 2015-11-09 11:20:35 - In reply to message 1 from Ørjan Langbakk
Thanks for notes, in near future i will change it to mysqli.