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XML echo to client instead of writing to file

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Subject:XML echo to client instead of...
Summary:XML echo to client instead of writing to file
Date:2010-09-22 07:31:45
Update:2014-04-23 03:40:33


  1. XML echo to client instead of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of carlos carlos - 2010-09-22 07:31:45
Hi, this class works fine.
Question, at class.mysql_xml.php"

$xml_file = fopen($filename, "w" );
$this->xml->write_file_handle( $xml_file );

How can I echo the xml_file to the client? instead of writing it to a file.

say for example:

echo $this->xml->showXML();

it same with DOMDocument::saveXML where it dumps the internal XML tree back into a string


  2. Re: XML echo to client instead of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Mike J Mike J - 2014-04-23 03:40:33 - In reply to message 1 from carlos

Have you managed to make this work? I am new and would appreciate instruction on how I can convert my XML file into a SQL database

