PHP Classes

Not clear what this package really does.

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Subject:Not clear what this package really does.
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:CPK Smithies
Date:2012-12-25 16:58:15
Update:2012-12-29 05:30:03


CPK Smithies rated this package as follows:

Utility: Not sure
Consistency: Sufficient
Documentation: Bad
Examples: Insufficient

  1. Not clear what this package really does.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of CPK Smithies CPK Smithies - 2012-12-25 16:58:15
Not clear what this package really does. The documentation does not explain. It seems to be downloading API details from a web service but we have no information why we might want to do this.

  2. Re: Not clear what this package really does.   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of PLSCIS PLP PLSCIS PLP - 2012-12-29 05:30:03 - In reply to message 1 from CPK Smithies
It can be used to remove excessive functions of a class that are not going to be used while loading a page.

For e.g. if only a listing function of class is required on a page, then you can filter other functions like insert, update, etc. and the class is loaded in memory with only the listing function (including depending functions).

To apply this trick on each and every class being used in an application will reduce memory consumption and improve the performance of applications and the host server or device.

You can visit for more detailed explanation.