PHP Classes

Dropdown menu

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Subject:Dropdown menu
Summary:Excellent work
Author:David Quirk
Date:2010-01-17 17:47:16
Update:2013-11-01 15:24:26


  1. Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of David Quirk David Quirk - 2010-01-17 17:47:16
Downloaded and ran this code without a single problem. That is not my usual experience with contributed classes, which almost always require editing before they function.

The code is straightforward, clean, and, in fact, elegant. I highly recommend it.

  2. Re: Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Michael Schulz Michael Schulz - 2010-01-18 14:18:57 - In reply to message 1 from David Quirk
Well, my web server is a bit more squeamish about cleanliness of code, so I ran in a few warnings, nothing too serious but not clean:
- In quite a number of lines the index names are not quoted (e.g. $res[$i][id] instead of $res[$i]['id']) which causes warnings like this:

Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in <someplace>/functions.php on line 76

- It might be a good idea to define the variable $data in function select_row(), e.g. add a "$data=array();" in line 28. Without this my whole output was garbled in just one big orange rectangle peppered with this warning:

Notice: Undefined variable: data in <someplace>/functions.php on line 38

But anyway, thanks for writing this class, I really can use it.

  3. Re: Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Pravin Sonawane Pravin Sonawane - 2010-01-18 15:20:46 - In reply to message 1 from David Quirk
Thanks for your valuable message

  4. Re: Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Pravin Sonawane Pravin Sonawane - 2010-01-18 15:24:04 - In reply to message 2 from Michael Schulz
Thanks for your inputs, I will definitely try to do this updates.

  5. Re: Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of sachin sachin - 2011-09-22 07:28:51 - In reply to message 1 from David Quirk
Guys use this code in functions.php and use <?php echo ?> where ever you have <?= ?>

class PHP_fun
function getConfig()
$this->SITE_URL = 'http://localhost:443/menu';
$this->DB_SERVER = 'localhost';
$this->DB_USER = 'root';
$this->DB_PASS = '';
$this->DB_NAME = 'menu';


function __construct()
$Conn = mysql_connect($this->DB_SERVER, $this->DB_USER, $this->DB_PASS);
if (!$Conn)
die("Error: ".mysql_errno($Conn).":- ".mysql_error($Conn));
$DB_select = mysql_select_db($this->DB_NAME, $Conn);
if (!$DB_select)
die("Error: ".mysql_errno($Conn).":- ".mysql_error($Conn));

function select_row($sql)
//echo $sql . "<br />";
if ($sql!="")
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: ".mysql_errno().":- ".mysql_error());
if ($result)
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[] = $row;
return $data;

function recordCount($sql)
if ($sql!="")
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: ".mysql_errno().":- ".mysql_error());
if ($result)
$cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
return $cnt;

function createProductUrl($url)
$url = trim($url);
if ($url != "")
$url = trim(str_replace(" ","-",$url));
//return $url.".html";
return $url;

function getChild($id)
$menu = "";
$str = "";
$s = "select id,title,parentid,link from ms_product where parentid = '$id' ";
$res = $this->select_row($s);
$menu .= '<div id="'.$id.'" style="display:none; position:absolute;" onmouseover="javascript: return showId('.$id.');" onmouseout="javascript: return hideId('.$id.');">';
$menu .= '<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 1px solid #FDCB55; border-collapse:collapse;">';
for ($i=0;$i<count($res);$i++)
$cnt_of_child = $this->recordCount("select id from ms_product where parentid = '".$res[$i]['id']."' ");
if ($cnt_of_child > 0)
$str = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="'.$this->SITE_URL.'images/arrow_white.gif">';
$str = " ";

$menu .= '<tr height="20"><td align="left" class="aerial12" onmouseover="this.className=\'aerial12over\';return showId('.$res[$i]['id'].');" onmouseout="this.className=\'aerial12\';return hideId('.$res[$i]['id'].');" style="cursor:pointer;">';
$menu .= '<div style="padding-left:10px;padding-right:5px; width:125px;" onclick="javascript: return redirect(\''.$res[$i]['link'].'/\');">';

$menu .= $res[$i]['title'].$str;
$menu .= '</div>';
$menu .= '</td><td align="left" valign="top">';
$menu .= $this->getChild($res[$i]['id']);
$menu .= '</td><tr>';
$menu .= '</table>';
$menu .= '</div>';
return $menu;

function getMenu($parentid)
$menu = "";
$s = "select id,title,parentid,link from ms_product where parentid = '$parentid' ";
$res = $this->select_row($s);
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="740" align="center">
<tr height="30">

for ($i=0;$i<count($res);$i++)
{ ?>
<td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FCBB2B">

<div align="center" onmouseover="javascript: return showId('<?php echo $res[$i]['id']?>');" onmouseout="javascript: return hideId('<?php echo $res[$i]['id']?>');" onclick="javascript: return redirect('<?php echo $res[$i]['link']?>');" class="aerial12" style="height:15px; vertical-align:middle; padding-top:5px;cursor:pointer;"><?php echo $res[$i]['title']?></div><?php echo $this->getChild($res[$i]['id'])?>

<?php if ((count($res) - 1) > $i) {?>
<td align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FCBB2B">|</td> <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
$menu = ob_get_contents();
return $menu;
}//class PHP_fun()

  6. Re: Dropdown menu   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Shashank Goyal Shashank Goyal - 2013-11-01 15:24:26 - In reply to message 1 from David Quirk
Can you please share the code if instead of link from database, i want content from database and that will show below the dropdown menu on the same page without refresh.

Thanks in advance.