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A few errors, cannot work correctly

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Subject:A few errors, cannot work correctly
Summary:A few errors, cannot work correctly
Author:Gustavo González
Date:2012-08-31 13:35:59
Update:2012-10-17 17:00:05


  1. A few errors, cannot work correctly   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gustavo González Gustavo González - 2012-08-31 13:35:59
Hi Alexander, i'm working with your code and i wanna know if i can import CSV to a already existent table, cause i been working hard to do it but still i can't. I saw your other repplies about $csv->table_name = "tablename" and i put it into the Quick CSV example; but i can't make it work. It only works if i take away that code line and it creates a temporary table, but i only need to REPLACE daily the content of ONE table, not create a new temporary table every time i use the code. And i get an error: Errors: Unknown column 'column1' in 'field list', and it's not working at all, it's not importing anything. Even if i use LOCAL and REPLACE options into LOAD INFILE i cannot make it work, please helpme!!

  2. Re: A few errors, cannot work correctly   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Paco Nek Paco Nek - 2012-10-17 17:00:05 - In reply to message 1 from Gustavo González
Hola Gustavo, he visto tu mensaje, le has podido dar una solucion a tu problema o aun lo tienes, yo he probado tambien esta clase pero mi problema es que solo me inserta la mitad del csv. te ha pasado algo parecido ?