PHP Classes

Other Fields

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Subject:Other Fields
Summary:This package is great, it uploads the file, but what if...
Author:Diego Pérez
Date:2009-02-25 21:27:59
Update:2010-06-20 08:59:36


  1. Other Fields   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Diego Pérez Diego Pérez - 2009-02-25 21:27:59
What if I need to create a complete form with the csv importer?

This is what i'm trying to say:
1. The csv importer works perfectly via a php form
2. In the same form i want to add some other fields that would be stored in the same table that those in the csv files, this is the idea i have for the form

Source CSV file to import:

is this posible? Thanx a lot. Great job

  2. Re: Other Fields   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of G Robertson G Robertson - 2010-06-20 08:59:36 - In reply to message 1 from Diego Pérez
I am looking for the same answer. Were you able to figure out how to insert a value for another field in the target DB?
