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Your feedback wanted!

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Subject:Your feedback wanted!
Summary:Please post feedback, comments and questions
Author:DigiOz Multimedia
Date:2006-02-10 16:20:59
Update:2006-10-18 05:11:05


  1. Your feedback wanted!   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of DigiOz Multimedia DigiOz Multimedia - 2006-02-10 16:20:59
Please post your comments, questions, problems or feedback for us. Without your feedback, we may NEVER find out if there is anything that needs to be changed or added to this class.

Thank You
Pete Soheil
DigiOz Multimedia

  2. Re: Your feedback wanted!   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Michael Michael - 2006-10-17 16:08:36 - In reply to message 1 from DigiOz Multimedia
I have tested your datagrid php code. I think it works great. It has been the easiest to upload and use. One question though, is there a way to display the column titles on the datagrid? Also, is there a way to have the datagrid show a custom column title?


  3. Re: Your feedback wanted!   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of DigiOz Multimedia DigiOz Multimedia - 2006-10-17 19:10:46 - In reply to message 2 from Michael
Hello Michael,

Glad to hear you found my code useful, and thank you for the positive feedback. In answer to your question, I have been working on a boolean option to allow the displaying of column names (headers) in the grid. I also like your other suggestion to allow the user to specify their own custom label. Give me a couple of days and I should have an update for the datagrid which includes those features.


  4. Re: Your feedback wanted!   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of DigiOz Multimedia DigiOz Multimedia - 2006-10-18 05:11:05 - In reply to message 3 from DigiOz Multimedia
Ok, it was a lot quicker then I thought. Here is how to use this new feature:


// Display Column Names --------------------------


// This is How you set custom column header ------



Where Column1, Column2 and Column3 are the custom column headers you want to specify, seperated by a pipe "|" character.
