PHP Classes

Large Database

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Subject:Large Database
Summary:Large Database not showing results when using the script
Author:Calum Kirton
Date:2009-11-27 02:10:24
Update:2009-11-27 02:27:36


  1. Large Database   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Calum Kirton Calum Kirton - 2009-11-27 02:10:24

Just a quick bit of advice. I am using your script to generate a Country, County, and town for the united kingdom.

The database size for the Towns is 1400 records. If I set the script to show the Town_ID(basically only numbers for town or last dropdown box) it works fine but if i set it to show the Town Name the script disables County and town boxes and does not update. Any idea why this is? Can this script handle large amounts of data. Any help would be appreciated. I have only changed the table names and field names in the scrip and made no other changes.

  2. Re: Large Database   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Calum Kirton Calum Kirton - 2009-11-27 02:27:36 - In reply to message 1 from Calum Kirton
Sorry I forgot to say the database structure is like this

Country Table -> Country_ID, Country (4 records)
County Table -> County_ID, County, Country_ID (100 Records)
Town Table -> Town_ID, Name, County_ID(1400 Records)

I'm using for a registration form for the UK. Hope this makes things a bit more clearer. It works fine if I limit the records I read in from the county table to about to about 30 but after that the script doesnt work.