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Windows started in 1985

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Subject:Windows started in 1985
Summary:Why Professional Skills only allows Windows dates after 1995?
Date:2008-04-01 08:24:07
Update:2008-04-01 19:39:33


  1. Windows started in 1985   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of PHP-4-Business PHP-4-Business - 2008-04-01 08:37:10
Hi Manuel,
Just updated our Professional Skills...

Why the arbitrary cut-off date of August 1995 for "With Windows since..."? Don't you count Windows 3.1? There are (perhaps) good reasons for starting with the introduction of W95 but you should make this clear somewhere - we are proud of the fact that we have been "With Windows since 1987" !!

Kind regards,

  2. Re: Windows started in 1985   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2008-04-01 08:54:20 - In reply to message 1 from PHP-4-Business
Actually it is not an arbitrary cut-off date, it is the date of release of Windows 95.

I know that Windows 1.0 was released in 1985 but I was reluctant to add that date because PHP could not be compiled to run under that Windows version.

But it is OK, if you it is important for you to express how long you have been working with Windows, I have not set the limit back to the Windows 1.0 release date.

Thank you for the heads up.

  3. Re: Windows started in 1985   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of PHP-4-Business PHP-4-Business - 2008-04-01 19:39:33 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Thanks Manuel. That looks better: "With Windows since: 20 years"