PHP Classes

I love PHP, its the perfect mix of features, easy to learn.

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Subject:I love PHP, its the perfect mix of...
Summary:We have to keep PHP alive!
Author:Shelly Warren
Date:2021-11-24 16:01:03
Update:2021-11-25 02:52:02


  1. I love PHP, its the perfect mix of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Shelly Warren Shelly Warren - 2021-11-24 18:08:45
I have used it for over a decade and even wrote a data migration platform that works sweet and can be changed on a dime. PHP is the perfect language to start learning how to code. All the other options are tied to major money and complexities that leave an engineer wondering what is really needed verses what 'sounds' cool.
PHP is about building solutions that can be maintained by just about anyone. I just wish you could compile it so you could release code without knowing it is basically 'open source' always.

  2. Re: I love PHP, its the perfect mix of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2021-11-25 02:52:02 - In reply to message 1 from Shelly Warren
Hello Shelly,

That is good to hear that you stick with PHP.

As for compiling PHP, some commercial solutions generate executable programs that work, at least for Windows. Is that something you would like to use?