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File: i2m.class.php

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  Classes of Bakr Alsharif   IP2More   i2m.class.php  
File: i2m.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: ip2more base class
Class: IP2More
Lookup the IP address of a country with ip2country
Author: By
Last change: Bug Fix:
If the found country was not included in the countries list array, the class returns empty string and a NOTICE "not set" is occured. this was solved. Now the returned value will be $this->null_country

"This bug only reported with ips from "Serbia and Montenego" country (iso3: SCG , iso2: CS, sample ip: 82.114.69.**)

Even WHOIS service I'm currently using in the class "dnsstuff" has the same error.
They dont have a country name for "CS" in their list, instead they will tell you the Location is "Yugoslavia" which is not true.

So instead of returning wrong results, I thought returning null_country is better.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 23,805 bytes


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