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File: README.txt

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  Classes of Suneel Kanuri   class.database   README.txt   Download  
File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Little Explanation
Class: class.database
Build and execute MySQL database queries
Author: By
Last change: Removed old website link
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,286 bytes



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Introduction to class.database.php Thanks for having a peek at my class. I have been using this class for a long time even before i started using PEAR::DB, and now in conjunction with PEAR::DB. It's capabilities to handle mundane tasks such as establishing a database connection, executing a query and committing the query would help RAD developers extensively without getting to do it over again for each site they deploy. All it expects is a database name, username and password. In addition you can specify them or default them inside the class too. In addition it goes a step ahead and makes the process of making fairly complex queries involving multiple parameters comparision and grouping as a function call. With proper understanding of the needed parameters one can easily make a query without even writing a SQL query. The package consists of: - class.database.php - the core database source file - test.php which shows an example usage - finance.sql a sample SQL DDL Query which is needed to test the class Now, if anybody has more questions or suggestions regarding this class please email me at [email protected] and i would try to help you with more examples and explanation of how to deploy it. Cheers !! Suneel Kanuri