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File: ftp-client-class.txt
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Description: FTP Client Class
Class: FTP Client Class
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
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<?php /********************************************************************* * * PHP FTP Client Class By TOMO ( ) * * - Version 0.12 (2002/01/11) * - This script is free but without any warranty. * - You can freely copy, use, modify or redistribute this script * for any purpose. * - But please do not erase this information!!. * ********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* Example $ftp_host = ""; $ftp_user = "username"; $ftp_pass = "password"; $ftp = new ftp(); $ftp->debug = TRUE; if (!$ftp->ftp_connect($ftp_host)) { die("Cannot connect\n"); } if (!$ftp->ftp_login($ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) { $ftp->ftp_quit(); die("Login failed\n"); } if ($pwd = $ftp->ftp_pwd()) { echo "Current directory is ".$pwd."\n"; } else { $ftp->ftp_quit(); die("Error!!\n"); } if ($sys = $ftp->ftp_systype()) { echo "Remote system is ".$sys."\n"; } else { $ftp->ftp_quit(); die("Error!!\n"); } $local_filename = "local.file"; $remote_filename = "remote.file"; if ($ftp->ftp_file_exists($remote_filename) == 1) { $ftp->ftp_quit(); die($remote_filename." already exists\n"); } if ($ftp->ftp_put($remote_filename, $local_filename)) { echo $local_filename." has been uploaded as ".$remote_filename."\n"; } else { $ftp->ftp_quit(); die("Error!!\n"); } $ftp->ftp_quit(); *********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* List of available functions ftp_connect($server, $port = 21) ftp_login($user, $pass) ftp_pwd() ftp_size($pathname) ftp_mdtm($pathname) ftp_systype() ftp_cdup() ftp_chdir($pathname) ftp_delete($pathname) ftp_rmdir($pathname) ftp_mkdir($pathname) ftp_file_exists($pathname) ftp_rename($from, $to) ftp_nlist($arg = "", $pathname = "") ftp_rawlist($pathname = "") ftp_get($localfile, $remotefile, $mode = 1) ftp_put($remotefile, $localfile, $mode = 1) ftp_site($command) ftp_quit() *********************************************************************/ class ftp { /* Public variables */ var $debug; var $umask; var $timeout; /* Private variables */ var $ftp_sock; var $ftp_resp; /* Constractor */ function ftp() { $this->debug = FALSE; $this->umask = 0022; $this->timeout = 30; if (!defined("FTP_BINARY")) { define("FTP_BINARY", 1); } if (!defined("FTP_ASCII")) { define("FTP_ASCII", 0); } $this->ftp_resp = ""; } /* Public functions */ function ftp_connect($server, $port = 21) { $this->ftp_debug("Trying to ".$server.":".$port." ...\n"); $this->ftp_sock = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if (!$this->ftp_sock || !$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot connect to remote host \"".$server.":".$port."\"\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : fsockopen() ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Connected to remote host \"".$server.":".$port."\"\n"); return TRUE; } function ftp_login($user, $pass) { $this->ftp_putcmd("USER", $user); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : USER command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_putcmd("PASS", $pass); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PASS command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Authentication succeeded\n"); return TRUE; } function ftp_pwd() { $this->ftp_putcmd("PWD"); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PWD command failed\n"); return FALSE; } return ereg_replace("^[0-9]{3} \"(.+)\" .+\r\n", "\\1", $this->ftp_resp); } function ftp_size($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("SIZE", $pathname); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : SIZE command failed\n"); return -1; } return ereg_replace("^[0-9]{3} ([0-9]+)\r\n", "\\1", $this->ftp_resp); } function ftp_mdtm($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("MDTM", $pathname); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : MDTM command failed\n"); return -1; } $mdtm = ereg_replace("^[0-9]{3} ([0-9]+)\r\n", "\\1", $this->ftp_resp); $date = sscanf($mdtm, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d"); $timestamp = mktime($date[3], $date[4], $date[5], $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]); return $timestamp; } function ftp_systype() { $this->ftp_putcmd("SYST"); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : SYST command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $DATA = explode(" ", $this->ftp_resp); return $DATA[1]; } function ftp_cdup() { $this->ftp_putcmd("CDUP"); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : CDUP command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_chdir($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("CWD", $pathname); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : CWD command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_delete($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("DELE", $pathname); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : DELE command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_rmdir($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("RMD", $pathname); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : RMD command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_mkdir($pathname) { $this->ftp_putcmd("MKD", $pathname); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : MKD command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_file_exists($pathname) { if (!($remote_list = $this->ftp_nlist("-a"))) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot get remote file list\n"); return -1; } reset($remote_list); while (list(,$value) = each($remote_list)) { if ($value == $pathname) { $this->ftp_debug("Remote file ".$pathname." exists\n"); return 1; } } $this->ftp_debug("Remote file ".$pathname." does not exist\n"); return 0; } function ftp_rename($from, $to) { $this->ftp_putcmd("RNFR", $from); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : RNFR command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_putcmd("RNTO", $to); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : RNTO command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_nlist($arg = "", $pathname = "") { if (!($string = $this->ftp_pasv())) { return FALSE; } if ($arg == "") { $nlst = "NLST"; } else { $nlst = "NLST ".$arg; } $this->ftp_putcmd($nlst, $pathname); $sock_data = $this->ftp_open_data_connection($string); if (!$sock_data || !$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot connect to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : NLST command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Connected to remote host\n"); while (!feof($sock_data)) { $list[] = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", fgets($sock_data, 512)); } $this->ftp_close_data_connection($sock_data); $this->ftp_debug(implode("\n", $list)); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : NLST command failed\n"); return FALSE; } return $list; } function ftp_rawlist($pathname = "") { if (!($string = $this->ftp_pasv())) { return FALSE; } $this->ftp_putcmd("LIST", $pathname); $sock_data = $this->ftp_open_data_connection($string); if (!$sock_data || !$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot connect to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : LIST command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Connected to remote host\n"); while (!feof($sock_data)) { $list[] = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", fgets($sock_data, 512)); } $this->ftp_debug(implode("\n", $list)); $this->ftp_close_data_connection($sock_data); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : LIST command failed\n"); return FALSE; } return $list; } function ftp_get($localfile, $remotefile, $mode = 1) { umask($this->umask); if (@file_exists($localfile)) { $this->ftp_debug("Warning : local file will be overwritten\n"); } $fp = @fopen($localfile, "w"); if (!$fp) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot create \"".$localfile."\""); $this->ftp_debug("Error : GET command failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (!$this->ftp_type($mode)) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : GET command failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (!($string = $this->ftp_pasv())) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : GET command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_putcmd("RETR", $remotefile); $sock_data = $this->ftp_open_data_connection($string); if (!$sock_data || !$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot connect to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : GET command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Connected to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Retrieving remote file \"".$remotefile."\" to local file \"".$localfile."\"\n"); while (!feof($sock_data)) { fputs($fp, fread($sock_data, 4096)); } fclose($fp); $this->ftp_close_data_connection($sock_data); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : GET command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_put($remotefile, $localfile, $mode = 1) { if (!@file_exists($localfile)) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : No such file or directory \"".$localfile."\"\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $fp = @fopen($localfile, "r"); if (!$fp) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot read file \"".$localfile."\"\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (!$this->ftp_type($mode)) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (!($string = $this->ftp_pasv())) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_putcmd("STOR", $remotefile); $sock_data = $this->ftp_open_data_connection($string); if (!$sock_data || !$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot connect to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Connected to remote host\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Storing local file \"".$localfile."\" to remote file \"".$remotefile."\"\n"); while (!feof($fp)) { fputs($sock_data, fread($fp, 4096)); } fclose($fp); $this->ftp_close_data_connection($sock_data); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PUT command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_site($command) { $this->ftp_putcmd("SITE", $command); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : SITE command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_quit() { $this->ftp_putcmd("QUIT"); if (!$this->ftp_ok() || !fclose($this->ftp_sock)) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : QUIT command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $this->ftp_debug("Disconnected from remote host\n"); return TRUE; } /* Private Functions */ function ftp_type($mode) { if ($mode) { $type = "I"; //Binary mode } else { $type = "A"; //ASCII mode } $this->ftp_putcmd("TYPE", $type); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : TYPE command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_port($ip_port) { $this->ftp_putcmd("PORT", $ip_port); $response = $this->ftp_ok(); if (!$response) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PORT command failed\n"); } return $response; } function ftp_pasv() { $this->ftp_putcmd("PASV"); if (!$this->ftp_ok()) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : PASV command failed\n"); return FALSE; } $ip_port = ereg_replace("^.+ \\(?([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+)\\)?.*\r\n$", "\\1", $this->ftp_resp); return $ip_port; } function ftp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = "") { if ($arg != "") { $cmd = $cmd." ".$arg; } fputs($this->ftp_sock, $cmd."\r\n"); $this->ftp_debug("> ".$cmd."\n"); return TRUE; } function ftp_ok() { $this->ftp_resp = ""; do { $res = fgets($this->ftp_sock, 512); $this->ftp_resp .= $res; } while (substr($res, 3, 1) != " "); $this->ftp_debug(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->ftp_resp)); if (!ereg("^[123]", $this->ftp_resp)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } function ftp_close_data_connection($sock) { $this->ftp_debug("Disconnected from remote host\n"); return fclose($sock); } function ftp_open_data_connection($ip_port) { if (!ereg("[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+", $ip_port)) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Illegal ip-port format(".$ip_port.")\n"); return FALSE; } $DATA = explode(",", $ip_port); $ipaddr = $DATA[0].".".$DATA[1].".".$DATA[2].".".$DATA[3]; $port = $DATA[4]*256 + $DATA[5]; $this->ftp_debug("Trying to ".$ipaddr.":".$port." ...\n"); $data_connection = @fsockopen($ipaddr, $port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$data_connection) { $this->ftp_debug("Error : Cannot open data connection to ".$ipaddr.":".$port."\n"); $this->ftp_debug("Error : ".$errstr." (".$errno.")\n"); return FALSE; } return $data_connection; } function ftp_debug($message = "") { if ($this->debug) { echo $message; } return TRUE; } } ?>