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File: dbmasterExample.php

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  Classes of Rafael Pinto   DBMaster   dbmasterExample.php   Download  
File: dbmasterExample.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: DBMaster Example
Class: DBMaster
MySQL access wrapper with high level functions
Author: By
Last change: - Name change.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 1,641 bytes



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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>DBMaster Test</TITLE>
<!-- Will be used in makeTable -->
th {
    background: blue;
    color: white;
    font-family: Verdana,Arial;
.odd {
    background: #EEDDDD;
    font-family: Verdana,Arial;
.even {
    background: #DDDDEE;
    font-family: Verdana,Arial;
//The first form to configure your DBMaster instace is through defines
define('DBMASTER_DB','myDB'); //Database to be selected is 'myDB'
define('DBMASTER_DEBUG',1); //Set debug mode ON
define('DBMASTER_REDIRECT','error.html'); //Redirects to 'error.html' on error

include('dbmaster.php'); //Includes the class file

$db = new DBMaster(); //Create a DBMaster instance

//You can also configure it by simply changing its properties
$db->logfile = 'myLogFile.txt'; //Logs queries to 'myLogFile.txt'
$db->mailto = ''; //Send errors to ''

$db->listTables(); //Stores list of tables from 'myDB'
echo $db->makeTable('','','','even','odd'); //Outputs a html table with different classes for even and odd rows (from above CSS)
$db->listFields('myTable'); //Stores fields from 'myTable'
echo $db->makeTable('','','','even','odd'); //Outputs a html table...
echo $db->dump(true); //Outputs SQL CREATE script for tables in 'myDB'
$db->dumpToFile('myDump.txt'); //Outputs SQL CREATE script for tables in 'myDB' to 'myDump.txt'
$db->select('MyTable','My_Field'); //'SELECT My_Field FROM MyTable'
echo $db->makeList(); //List values from last query