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File: class-mysqldb.php

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File: class-mysqldb.php
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Class: class mysql
MySQL database access wrapper
Author: By
Last change: - add parameter $setNames to select_db() that will default to new static property
$setNamesOnSelectDb if both are null then nothing will happen else it will perform
a SET NAMES query on the selected database.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 12,086 bytes



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<?php /** * @author Jonathan Gotti <jgotti at jgotti dot org> * @copyleft (l) 2003-2008 Jonathan Gotti * @package class-db * @file * @license GNU Lesser General Public License * @since 2004-11-26 first splitted version * @svnInfos: * - $LastChangedDate: 2009-04-30 01:00:12 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) $ * - $LastChangedRevision: 127 $ * - $LastChangedBy: malko $ * - $HeadURL: $ * @changelog * - 2008-05-12 - add parameter $setNames to select_db() that will default to new static property * $setNamesOnSelectDb if both are null then nothing will happen else it will perform * a SET NAMES query on the selected database. * - 2008-04-06 - autoconnect is now a static property * - 2008-03-20 - new static parameter (bool) $useNewLink used as mysql_connect new_link parameter * (really usefull when working on different databases on the same host. * you'd better set this to false as default if you don't need that feature.) * - 2007-11-20 - changing call to vebose() method according to changed made in class-db * - 2007-03-28 - move last_q2a_res assignment from fetch_res() method to query_to_array() (seems more logical to me) * - 2007-01-12 - now dump_to_file() use method escape_string instead of mysql_escape_string * - 2005-02-28 - add method optimize * - 2004-12-03 - now the associative_array_from_q2a_res method won't automaticly ksort the results * - 2004-12-02 - use the show fields query in place of a select statement and add extended_info mode to the get_fields method * @todo revoir la methode check_conn() et open et close de facon a ce que check_conn aille dans base_db */ /** * exented db class to use with mysql databases. * @class mysqldb * @example sample-mysqldb.php */ class mysqldb extends db{ /** * allow the setting of mysql_connect $new_link parameter. * @see mysql_connect for more info */ static public $useNewLink = false; /** * used to perform a query "SET NAMES '$dfltEncoding'" when select a database on the server * leave null if you don't want this to be done */ static public $setNamesOnSelectDb='UTF8'; function __construct($dbname,$dbhost='localhost',$dbuser='root',$dbpass=''){ # most common config ? $this->host = $dbhost; $this->user = $dbuser; $this->pass = $dbpass; $this->dbname = $dbname; if(db::$autoconnect) $this->open(); } /** open connection to database */ function open(){ # only for convenience and because backport of sqlitedb return $this->check_conn('active'); } /** close connection to previously opened database */ function close(){ return $this->check_conn('kill'); } /** * Select the database to work on (it's the same as the use db command or mysql_select_db function) * @param string $dbname * @param string $setNames permit to enforce encoding connection to the given character set * if null will default to self::$setNamesOnSelectDb. * if both are null then no SET NAMES will be performed * @return bool */ function select_db($dbname=null,$setNames=null){ if(! ($dbname || $this->dbname) ) return FALSE; if($dbname) $this->dbname = $dbname; if(! $this->db = mysql_select_db($this->dbname,$this->conn)){ $this->verbose("can't connect to database ".$this->dbname,__FUNCTION__,1); $this->set_error(__FUNCTION__); return FALSE; }else{ if( null=== $setNames && null !== mysqldb::$setNamesOnSelectDb ) $setNames = mysqldb::$setNamesOnSelectDb; if( null!== $setNames) $this->query("SET NAMES '$setNames'"); return $this->db; } } /** * check and activate db connection * @param string $action (active, kill, check) active by default * @return string or bool */ function check_conn($action = ''){ $host = false; if((! $this->conn) || ! $host = mysql_get_host_info($this->conn)){ switch ($action){ case 'kill': return $host; break; case 'check': return $host; break; default: case 'active': if(! $this->conn = mysql_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,self::$useNewLink)){ $this->verbose("connection to $this->host failed",__FUNCTION__,1); return FALSE; } $this->verbose("connection to $this->host established",__FUNCTION__,2); $this->select_db(); return mysql_get_host_info($this->conn); break; } }else{ switch($action){ case 'kill': mysql_close($this->conn); $this->conn = $this->db = null; return true; break; case 'check': return $host; break; default: case 'active': return $host; break; } } } /** * take a resource result set and return an array of type 'ASSOC','NUM','BOTH' * @see sqlitedb or mysqldb implementation for exemple * @return array */ function fetch_res($result_set,$result_type='ASSOC'){ $result_type = strtoupper($result_type); if(! in_array($result_type,array('NUM','ASSOC','BOTH')) ) $result_type = 'ASSOC'; eval('$result_type = MYSQL_'.strtoupper($result_type).';'); while($res[]=mysql_fetch_array($result_set,$result_type)); unset($res[count($res)-1]);//unset last empty row $this->num_rows = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); return count($res)?$res:FALSE; } /** *return the last inserted id if insert is made on a table with autoincrement field *@return mixed (certainly int) */ function last_insert_id(){ return $this->conn?mysql_insert_id($this->conn):FALSE; } /** * there's a base method you should replace in the extended class, to use the appropriate escape func regarding the database implementation * @param string $quotestyle (both/single/double) which type of quote to escape * @return str */ function escape_string($string,$quotestyle='both'){ $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string,$this->conn); switch(strtolower($quotestyle)){ case 'double': case 'd': case '"': $string = str_replace("\'","'",$string); case 'single': case 's': case "'": $string = str_replace("\"",'"',$string); break; case 'both': case 'b': case '"\'': case '\'"': break; } return $string; } /** * perform a query on the database * @param string $Q_str * @return result id | FALSE **/ function query($Q_str){ if(! $this->db ){ if(! (db::$autoconnect && $this->check_conn('active'))) return FALSE; } $this->verbose($Q_str,__FUNCTION__,2); if(! $this->last_qres = mysql_query($Q_str,$this->conn)) $this->set_error(__FUNCTION__); return $this->last_qres; } /** * perform a query on the database like query but return the affected_rows instead of result * give a most suitable answer on query such as INSERT OR DELETE * @param string $Q_str * @return int affected_rows or FALSE on error! */ function query_affected_rows($Q_str){ if(! $this->query($Q_str) ) return FALSE; $num = mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); if( $num == -1){ $this->set_error(__FUNCTION__); return FALSE; }else{ return $num; } } /** * get the table list from $this->dbname * @return array */ function list_tables(){ if(! $tables = $this->query_to_array('SHOW tables','NUM') ) return FALSE; foreach($tables as $v){ $ret[] = $v[0]; } return $ret; } /* * return the list of field in $table * @param string $table name of the sql table to work on * @param bool $extended_info if true will return the result of a show field query in a query_to_array fashion * (indexed by fieldname instead of int if false) * @return array */ function list_table_fields($table,$extended_info=FALSE){ if(! $res = $this->query_to_array("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table")) return FALSE; if($extended_info) return $res; foreach($res as $row){ $res_[]=$row['Field']; } return $res_; } /** Verifier si cette methode peut s'appliquer a SQLite */ function show_table_keys($table){ return $this->query_to_array("SHOW KEYS FROM $table"); } /** * optimize table statement query * @param string $table name of the table to optimize * @return bool */ function optimize($table){ return $this->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE $table"); } function error_no(){ return $this->conn?mysql_errno($this->conn):FALSE; } /** * @param void $errno only there for compatibility with other db implementation so totally unused there */ function error_str($errno=null){ return mysql_error($this->conn); } /** * return an array of databases names on server * @return array */ function list_dbs(){ if(! $dbs = $this->query_to_array("SHOW databases",'NUM')) return FALSE; foreach($dbs as $db){ $dbs_[]=$db[0]; } return $dbs_; } /** * dump the database to a file * @param string $out_file name of the output file * @param bool $droptables add 'drop table' if set to true (defult=TRUE) * @param bool $gziped (default = TRUE) if set to true output will be compressed * @param gtkprogress &$progress is an optional progressbar to trace activity (will received a value between 0 to 100) */ function dump_to_file($out_file,$droptables=TRUE,$gziped=TRUE){ set_time_limit(0); # deactivate time limit when doable for big database dumping if($gziped){ if(! $fout = gzopen($out_file,'w')) return FALSE; }else{ if(! $fout = fopen($out_file,'w')) return FALSE; } $entete = "# PHP class mysqldb SQL Dump\n#\n# Host: $this->host\n# generate on: ".date("Y-m-d")."\n#\n# Db name: `$this->dbname`\n#\n#\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; if($gziped) gzwrite($fout,$entete); else fwrite($fout,$entete); $tables = $this->list_tables(); foreach($tables as $table){ $table_create = $this->query_to_array("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table",'NUM'); $table_create = $table_create[0]; # now we have the create statement $create_str = "\n\n#\n# Table Structure `$table`\n#\n\n".($droptables?"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\n":'').$table_create[1].";\n"; if($gziped) gzwrite($fout,$create_str); else fwrite($fout,$create_str); $i=0;#init line counter at the begining of a table if($tabledatas = $this->select_to_array($table)){ # put datas if available if($gziped) gzwrite($fout,"\n# `$table` DATAS\n\n"); else fwrite($fout,"\n# `$table` DATAS\n\n"); unset($stringsfields);$z=0; foreach($tabledatas as $row){ unset($values,$fields); foreach($row as $field=>$value){ if($i==0){ # on the first line we get fields $fields[] = "`$field`"; if( mysql_field_type($this->last_qres,$z++) === 'string') # will permit to correctly protect number in string fields $stringsfields[$field] = TRUE; } if(preg_match("!^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$!",$value) && empty($stringsfields[$field]) ) $value = $value; elseif($value==null) $value = $stringsfields[$field]?"''":"NULL"; else $value = "'".$this->escape_string($value,"single")."'"; $values[] = $value; } $insert_str = ($i==0?"INSERT INTO `$table` (".implode(',',$fields).")\n\tVALUES ":",\n\t")."(".implode(',',$values).')'; if($gziped) gzwrite($fout,$insert_str); else fwrite($fout,$insert_str); $i++; # increment line number } if($gziped) gzwrite($fout,";\n\n"); else fwrite($fout,";\n\n"); } } if($gziped) gzclose($fout); else fclose($fout); } function __destruct(){ parent::__destruct(); } }