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File: autoformBQ.doc

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File: autoformBQ.doc
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Description: Documentation
Class: autoformBQ
Generate Web forms from MySQL query results
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++++++++++++++++++++++Overview:++++++++++++++++++++++ the autoformBQ-object provides a dynamic generated form to add or edit¹ records to mySql-Databases. It is possible to adapt the form-layout by CSS and several boolean members.( s.b.) ¹(if you use the "edit"-form, take care that the first row in your mySql-result contains the record to be edited) Over and above that, you are able to generate static forms via http-download to use at your Site. See the use of function header(...) at "create_static_form_sample.php" All you have to do is: -execute a mysql-query -create a autoformBQ-object ( params s.b. ) -adapt the layout ( see the "boolean"-funcs below ) -call the func print_form() Every input tag is named in this way: tablename,fieldname,fieldtype,field->bitFlags[,HIDDEN (if its a hidden input-tag)] yes, all querys that return a result ( with join or where ...) are allowed but you may not use a table-alias instead the real tablename. examples: thats not allowed: SELECT m.*, n.field1, n.field2 FROM table1 AS m, table2 AS n WHERE ..... thats correct: SELECT table1.*, table2.field1, table2.field2 FROM table1, table2 WHERE ..... Of course, its yours to check/validate the post|get array in your "action-file" only the maxlen in the tag <input type="text"...> is defined and it is also yours to create and execute the query to save the input. At last a word about the submit-buttons: In a "new"-form there are the buttons "Save" and "Reset" In a "edit"-form the buttons "Save" and "Restore"; Reset works just how a reset button works. Save and Reset have the name "submit" and the value defined in $strSubmitButton $strResetButton (see To see autoformBQ work: -Just unpack the package to your http dir -add ur values to sample.php -start sample.php ++++++++++++++++++++++The Package contains:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ class_autoformBQ.php --> Contains the object class autoformBQ class_field.php --> Contains the object class field ( needed by autoformBQ ) autoformBQ.css --> a sample CSS-file used in sample.php autoformBQ.doc --> this file autoformBQ_lang_en_inc.php --> sample english string-definitions autoformBQ_lang_de_inc.php --> sample german string-definitions autoformBQ_sample.php --> a demonstration of the use of autoformBQ create_static_form.sample.php --> a sample how to generate static forms ++++++++++++++++++++++Name-conventions in autoformBQ.php:++++++++++++++++++++++ $aXx = array $strXx = string $bXx = bool $iXx = int +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ the vars of class autoformBQ $strName = ""; // the form-name $strMethod = "POST"; // the form-method get|post $strAction = ""; // the action-file $strHeadline = ""; // your Text at the top, if needed $strFootline = ""; // your Text at the bottom, if needed $aFields = array(); // the field-objekt array $iFields = 0; // the number of columns in your query-result $iConnID = 0; // mySql-connection $aResult; // the mySql-Result 2 build the form $bFormEdit = FALSE; // if FALSE, the Form is used to insert // (a) new record(s) into your DB(s) // if TRUE, it is used to edit and it // shows the current content of your record(s) $bShowDateTimeInput = FALSE; // if TRUE, a date-input-element is shown, use func showDateTimeInputt to set to true $bShowPatternAsHint = FALSE; // if TRUE, the format-pattern is shown as hint $bShowPrecisionAsHint = FALSE; // shows precision and decimals as hint $bShowPatternAsDefault = FALSE; // if true, the pattern is shown as input-value $bMarkRequiredInput = FALSE; // shows the $strSignInputRequired ( see ) $strCssClass = ""; // to define a css-class use func css_class $strEnumStyle = "radio"; // how enum-Columns are displayed $strSetStyle = "select"; // s.a. $strLang = "en"; // defines the language $iMaxSelectSize = 5; // max number of items in a "sized" select-tag (only enum, set is always swhow as "sized" select) // if there are more, its shown with size 1 $iSmallTextareaRows = 3; // varchar-columns may be shown as textarea $iSmallTextareaCols = 30; // these vars define the size $iTextareaRows = 7; // $iTextareaCols = 30; // Textarea is used for Text/String $iTextareaStartLen = 50; // This maxlen or more: Textarea is used, otherwise text-input $iTextInputSize = 25; // Text-input is displayed in this size +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ the funcs of class autoformBQ function autoformBQ($iConnID, $result, $strAction,$bEdit= FALSE) // Constructor, builds the array of field-objects from your // query-result // Param : int mySql-connection-id, array query-result, string "action-file" that processes the form-input, bool $bEdit ( if True the first row in your result is edited) // return: void function print_form() // prints your form function markRequiredInput ( $bool = TRUE) // if you decide to mark not_null columns call this func // use $strSignInputRequired in // to define your "sign" // param : sure thing (s.a.) // return: void function showPatternAsDefault ( $bool = TRUE) // the column-pattern may be shown as a default-value // at numeric, date,datetime,time columns // in "new"-forms. If you decide to do so // call this func // param : sure thing (s.a.) // return: void function showPrecisionAsHint($bool = TRUE) // the precision of numeric columns may be shown as a hint // below the tag-caption // param : sure thing (s.a.) // return: void function showDateTimeInput($bool = TRUE) // mostly date,datetime,time or year -columns // dont appear in a form cause they are set by the NOW()-func of mySql // in a insert or update query // these fields are passed as a hidden input-tag // with the name: "tablename,fieldname,field-tpye,field-flag" // and the value: "EMPTY"; // // if you need your column to be edited by the user // call this func to show the columns // // param : sure thing (s.a.) // return: void function headline($strHeadline) // s.a. (but over the input-tags :-) ) function footline($strfootline) // if you want to display a footline below your form // define the line with this func // param: the string, remember to escape quotes // return: void function name($strName) // if you want to define a name for your form // param: the name // return: void function set_style( $strType) // set-columns may be displayed as // select(the default) or checkbox // param: string type ( select|checkbox ) // return: void function enum_style( $strType) // enum-columns may be displayed as // radio(the default) or select // param: string type ( select|radio ) // return: void function css_class($strCssClass="") // if you wand to use CSS, define the class-name here // this class-name is used at the tags form,table,tr and td // param: the class-name // return: void function lang($strLang) // some strings may be defined in a (default "en"); // store your settings in a file // change the language with this func // param: the language-string ( e.g. "de") // return: void function print_form_data() // used during development // prints all form-data