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File: PHP_Ezy_Query_Example.php

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File: PHP_Ezy_Query_Example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Ezy Query
Execute queries to MySQL, MongoDB and memcached
Author: By
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Date: 9 years ago
Size: 11,003 bytes


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<?php /* * @File: PHP_Ezy_Query_Example.php * @Description: Example file * @Version: 1.0.0 * @Autore: Bijaya Kumar * @Email: [email protected] * @Mobile: +91 9911033016 * @Country: India */ ?> <?php $verbose = 0; global $_CONFIGS; // Load Lib require_once ('./systems/tgr_db.class.php'); // Load DB Confiuration file $_CONFIGS = require_once ('./.configs/system.cron.config.php'); # verbose $verbose ? var_dump($_CONFIGS) : null; $TEST = 4 ; ####################################################### # This example uses of MySQLi Extension # Create a new connection useing config TESTCONFIG1 ######################################################## $TEST == 1 ? Example1 (): ''; ####################################################### # This example uses of MySQL Extension # Create a new connection useing config TESTCONFIG2 ######################################################## $TEST == 2 ? Example2 (): ''; ####################################################### # This example uses of pdo_mysql # Create a new connection useing config TESTCONFIG3 ######################################################## $TEST == 3 ? Example3 (): ''; ####################################################### # This example uses of mongo # Create a new connection useing config TESTCONFIG4 ######################################################## $TEST == 4 ? Example4 (): ''; function dump($lable, $data) { echo "<pre> <b><u>{$lable}::</b></u><br />"; print_r($data); echo "</pre>"; } function Example4 () { global $verbose; # Initialise a connection $TCDB = TGR_DB::init("TESTCONFIG4"); # Error check if (TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true)) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } ################################################### # Simple Query $qry=array( 'database' => 'test', 'table' => '@@_table1', 'commnd' => 'find', 'where' => array( 'id' => array( '$gt' => 1 ) ), 'fields' => array('id' => true), 'limit'=>0, 'skip'=>0, 'sort' => array() ); $ExampleResult1 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB, $qry); // Error Check if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $verbose? dump("Query Output", $ExampleResult1) : false; ################################################### ################################################### # Execute Query and return the native result set $qry=array( 'database' => 'test', 'table' => '@@_table1', 'commnd' => 'find', 'where' => array( 'id' => array( '$gt' => 1 ) ), 'fields' => array('id' => true), 'limit' => 0, 'skip' => 0, 'sort' => array() ); $ExampleResult4 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB, $qry, null); // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $ExampleResult_4=array(); while( ( $rec= @$ExampleResult4->getNext()) ) $ExampleResult_4[]=$rec; $verbose?dump("Native Result Set Output::", $ExampleResult_4):false; ################################################### ################################################### # Close a active connection TGR_DB::close($TCDB); ################################################### exit(0); } function Example3 () { global $verbose; # Initialise a connection $TCDB = TGR_DB::init("TESTCONFIG3"); # Error check if (TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true)) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } ################################################### # Execute Simple Query $qry = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult1 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB, $qry); // Error Check if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $verbose?dump("Query Output ", $ExampleResult1):false; ################################################### ################################################### # Execute Multi Query $qry2 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1; SELECT * FROM @@_table2;"; $ExampleResult2 = TGR_DB::multi_query($TCDB1, $qry2); // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $verbose?dump("Multi Query Output", $ExampleResult2):false; ################################################### ################################################### # Execute Store Procedure $qry3 = "call mysp1();"; $ExampleResult3 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB, $qry3); // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $verbose?dump("Store Procedure Output", $ExampleResult3); ################################################### ################################################### # Execute Query and return the native result set $qry4 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult4 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB, $qry4, null); // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } $ExampleResult_4=array(); while( ( $rec= @$ExampleResult4->fetch()) ) $ExampleResult_4[]=$rec; $ExampleResult4->closeCursor(); $verbose?dump("Native Result Set Output", $ExampleResult_4); ################################################### ################################################### # Close a active connection TGR_DB::close($TCDB); ################################################### } function Example2 () { global $verbose; $TCDB = TGR_DB::init("TESTCONFIG2"); // Get Last Error No if (TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true)) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } // Execute Query $qry = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult1 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB1, $qry); $verbose?dump("Simple Query Output", $ExampleResult_4); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult1) : null; // Error Check if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } // Execute Multi Query $qry2 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1; SELECT * FROM @@_table2;"; $ExampleResult2 = TGR_DB::multi_query($TCDB1, $qry2); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult2) : null; // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } echo "<pre> <b><u>Output ::</b></u><br />"; print_r($ExampleResult2); // Execute Store Procedure $qry2 = "call mysp1();"; // Not implemented yet // Execute Query and return the native result set $qry2 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult3 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB1, $qry2, null); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult3) : null; echo "<pre> <b><u>Output from result set::</b></u><br /> "; while( ( $rec= @mysql_fetch_array( $ExampleResult3) ) ) print_r($rec ); @mysql_free_result( $ExampleResult3); // Execute Query using mysqli native object $qry4 = "SELECT * FROM tgr_table1"; $ExampleResult4 = mysql_query ($qry4, $TCDB1[0]) ; if (!$ExampleResult4) { print_r(mysql_error($TCDB1[0]));exit(1); } echo "<pre> <b><u>Output from result set::</b></u><br /> "; while( ( $rec= @mysql_fetch_array($ExampleResult4) ) ) print_r($rec ); @mysqli_free_result( $ExampleResult4); ################################################### # Close a active connection TGR_DB::close($TCDB1); ################################################### exit(0); } function Example1 () { global $verbose; $TCDB1 = TGR_DB::init("TESTCONFIG1"); // Get Last Error No if (TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true)) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } // Execute Query $qry = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult1 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB1, $qry); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult1) : null; // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } // Execute Multi Query $qry2 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1; SELECT * FROM @@_table2;"; $ExampleResult2 = TGR_DB::multi_query($TCDB1, $qry2); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult2) : null; // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } echo "<pre> <b><u>Output ::</b></u><br />"; print_r($ExampleResult2); // Execute Store Procedure $qry2 = "call mysp1()"; $ExampleResult4 = TGR_DB::multi_query($TCDB1, $qry2); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult4) : null; // Get Last Error No if ( TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) ) { echo "<br /><b>Err No </b>: " . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, true) . " <hr /><h4>" . TGR_DB::error($TCDB1, false ) . "</h4>"; exit(1); } echo "<pre> <b><u>Out of Store Procedure Call ::</b></u><br />"; print_r($ExampleResult4); // Execute Query and return the native result set $qry2 = "SELECT * FROM @@_table1"; $ExampleResult3 = TGR_DB::query($TCDB1, $qry2, null); $verbose ? var_dump($ExampleResult3) : null; echo "<pre> <b><u>Output from result set::</b></u><br /> "; while( ( $rec= @mysqli_fetch_array( $ExampleResult3) ) ) print_r($rec ); @mysqli_free_result( $ExampleResult3); // Execute Query using mysqli native object $qry4 = "SELECT * FROM tgr_table1"; $ExampleResult4 = mysqli_query ($TCDB1[0], $qry4) ; if (!$ExampleResult4) { print_r($TCDB1[0]->errno);exit(1); } echo "<pre> <b><u>Output from result set::</b></u><br /> "; while( ( $rec= @mysqli_fetch_array( $ExampleResult4) ) ) print_r($rec ); @mysqli_free_result( $ExampleResult4); ################################################### # Close a active connection TGR_DB::close($TCDB1); ################################################### exit(0); } ?>