PHP Classes

File: Introducction_p4a

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  Classes of Francisco Arias   PHP 4 Applications   Introducction_p4a   Download  
File: Introducction_p4a
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Introduction to the php for applications framework.The hierarchy
Class: PHP 4 Applications
Create event driven Web GUI using remote scripting
Author: By
Last change: Adding more classes to the hierarchy
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 1,983 bytes



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p4a_Application: The application itself, the receptor of the user events and the container of all objects p4a_Control: Base class | |---------------->>p4a_BarMenu: | menu bar containing (at the moment) only 'main items'. | |---------------->>p4a_ListView: | List View to represent rows of a table or an array. | It can responds to several user events like column | click, row click, etc | |---------------->>p4a_Form: | Form to maintain and display data of a source that can | be a table or an array, it has events like update, | insert, next, previous, unlock... | |---------------->>p4a_SimpleForm: | Form not linked to a 'DataSource' object, it only has | two events, one of this sends all data fields to the | server-side. | |---------------->>p4a_Panel: | The other container of the p4a framework. This is an | important object that contains other objects, in the same | way of p4a_Application, and it controls the layout | disposition of all ones. One important thing of this | container is that it can be invisible, doing, by this way, | all its objects invisibles so. This object acts as | the 'frame' control in Visual Basic. | |------------------>>p4a_Label: | A simple label that contains optionally an image. | |------------------>>p4a_PlainButton: | A simple button that responds to the click event and | can have an image. | p4a_DataSource: Object not visible that has to be passed to a Form or a ListView and that implements some methods like getRecords. The source of the data can be a table in a database or whatever that implements the interface methods of DataSource.