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  Classes of Enrique Garcia M.   gnuPG class   Download  
Role: Class source
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Description: The main class for the project.
Class: gnuPG class
Encrypt data and manipulate keys using gnuPG
Author: By
Last change: Changed the License, now it is GNU LGPL.
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 14,706 bytes



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<?php /** * Class to interact with the gnuPG. * * @package gnuPG_class * @author Enrique Garcia Molina <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004-2005, EGM :: Ingenieria sin fronteras * @license GNU LGPL ( * @since Viernes, Enero 30, 2004 * @version $Id:,v 1.0.9 2005-07-20 11:59:00-05 egarcia Exp $ * @see readme.txt */ class gnuPG { /** * the path to gpg executable (default: /usr/local/bin/gpg) * @access private * @var string */ var $program_path; /** * The path to directory where personal gnupg files (keyrings, etc) are stored (default: ~/.gnupg) * @access private * @var string */ var $home_directory; /** * Error and status messages * @var string */ var $error; /** * Output message * @var string */ var $output; /** * Create the gnuPG object. * * Set the program path for the GNUPG and the home directory of the keyring. * If this parameters are not specified, according to the OS the function derive the values. * * @param string $program_path Full program path for the GNUPG * @param string $home_directory Home directory of the keyring * @return void */ function gnuPG($program_path = false, $home_directory = false) { // if is empty then assume the path based in the OS if (empty($program_path)) { if ( strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ) $program_path = 'C:\gnupg\gpg'; else $program_path = '/usr/local/bin/gpg'; } $this->program_path = $program_path; // if is empty the home directory then assume based in the OS if (empty($home_directory)) { if ( strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ) $home_directory = 'C:\gnupg'; else $home_directory = '~/.gnupg'; } $this->home_directory = $home_directory; } /** * Call a subprogram redirecting the standard pipes * * @access private * @param string $command The full command to execute * @param string $input The input data * @param string $output The output data * @return bool true on success, false on error */ function _fork_process($command, $input = false, &$output) { // define the redirection pipes $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to ); $pipes = null; // calls the process $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { // writes the input if (!empty($input)) fwrite($pipes[0], $input); fclose($pipes[0]); // reads the output while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $data = fread($pipes[1], 1024); if (strlen($data) == 0) break; $output .= $data; } fclose($pipes[1]); // reads the error message $result = ''; while (!feof($pipes[2])) { $data = fread($pipes[2], 1024); if (strlen($data) == 0) break; $result .= $data; } fclose($pipes[2]); // close the process $status = proc_close($process); // returns the contents $this->error = $result; return ($status == 0); } else { $this->error = 'Unable to fork the command'; return false; } } /** * Get the keys from the KeyRing. * * The returned array get the following elements: * [RecordType, CalculatedTrust, KeyLength, Algorithm, * KeyID, CreationDate, ExpirationDate, LocalID, * Ownertrust, UserID] * * @param string $KeyKind the kind of the keys, can be secret or public * @return mixed false on error, the array with the keys in the keyring in success */ function ListKeys($KeyKind = 'public') { // validate the KeyKind $KeyKind = strtolower(substr($KeyKind, 0, 3)); if (($KeyKind != 'pub') && ($KeyKind != 'sec')) { $this->error = 'The Key kind must be public or secret'; return false; } // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --with-colons ' . (($KeyKind == 'pub') ? '--list-public-keys': '--list-secret-keys'), false, $contents) ) { // initialize the array data $returned_keys = array(); // the keys are \n separated $contents = explode("\n", $contents); // find each key foreach ($contents as $data) { // read the fields to get the : separated, the sub record is dismiss $fields = explode(':', $data); if (count($fields) <= 3) continue; // verify the that the record is valid if (($fields[0] == 'pub') || ($fields[0] == 'sec')) { array_push($returned_keys, array( 'RecordType' => $fields[0], 'CalculatedTrust' => $fields[1], 'KeyLength' => $fields[2], 'Algorithm' => $fields[3], 'KeyID' => $fields[4], 'CreationDate' => $fields[5], 'ExpirationDate' => $fields[6], 'LocalID' => $fields[7], 'Ownertrust' => $fields[8], 'UserID' => $fields[9] ) ); } } return $returned_keys; } else return false; } /** * Export a key. * * Export all keys from all keyrings, or if at least one name is given, those of the given name. * * @param string $KeyID The Key ID to export * @return mixed false on error, the key block with the exported keys */ function Export($KeyID = false) { $KeyID = empty($KeyID) ? '': $KeyID; // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --armor --export ' . $KeyID, false, $contents) ) return (empty($contents) ? false: $contents); else return false; } /** * Import/merge keys. * * This adds the given keys to the keyring. New keys are appended to your * keyring and already existing keys are updated. Note that GnuPG does not * import keys that are not self-signed. * * @param string $KeyBlock The PGP block with the key(s). * @return mixed false on error, the array with [KeyID, UserID] elements of imported keys on success. */ function Import($KeyBlock) { // Verify for the Key block contents if (empty($KeyBlock)) { $this->error = 'No valid key block was specified.'; return false; } // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --status-fd 1 --import', $KeyBlock, $contents) ) { // initialize the array data $imported_keys = array(); // parse the imported keys $contents = explode("\n", $contents); foreach ($contents as $data) { $matches = false; if (preg_match('/\[GNUPG:\]\sIMPORTED\s(\w+)\s(.+)/', $data, $matches)) array_push($imported_keys, array( 'KeyID' => $matches[1], 'UserID' => $matches[2])); } return $imported_keys; } else return false; } /** * Generate a new key pair. * * @param string $RealName The real name of the user or key. * @param string $Comment Any explanatory commentary. * @param string $Email The e-mail for the user. * @param string $Passphrase Passphrase for the secret key, default is not to use any passphrase. * @param string $ExpireDate Set the expiration date for the key (and the subkey). It may either be entered in ISO date format (2000-08-15) or as number of days, weeks, month or years (<number>[d|w|m|y]). Without a letter days are assumed. * @param string $KeyType Set the type of the key, the allowed values are DSA and RSA, default is DSA. * @param int $KeyLength Length of the key in bits, default is 1024. * @param string $SubkeyType This generates a secondary key, currently only one subkey can be handled ELG-E. * @param int $SubkeyLength Length of the subkey in bits, default is 1024. * @return mixed false on error, the fingerprint of the created key pair in success */ function GenKey($RealName, $Comment, $Email, $Passphrase = '', $ExpireDate = 0, $KeyType = 'DSA', $KeyLength = 1024, $SubkeyType = 'ELG-E', $SubkeyLength = 1024) { // validates the keytype if (($KeyType != 'DSA') && ($KeyType != 'RSA')) { $this->error = 'Invalid Key-Type, the allowed are DSA and RSA'; return false; } // validates the subkey if ((!empty($SubkeyType)) && ($SubkeyType != 'ELG-E')) { $this->error = 'Invalid Subkey-Type, the allowed is ELG-E'; return false; } // validate the expiration date if (!preg_match('/^(([0-9]+[dwmy]?)|([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}))$/', $ExpireDate)) { $this->error = 'Invalid Expire Date, the allowed values are <iso-date>|(<number>[d|w|m|y])'; return false; } // generates the batch configuration script $batch_script = "Key-Type: $KeyType\n" . "Key-Length: $KeyLength\n"; if (($KeyType == 'DSA') && ($SubkeyType == 'ELG-E')) $batch_script .= "Subkey-Type: $SubkeyType\n" . "Subkey-Length: $SubkeyLength\n"; $batch_script .= "Name-Real: $RealName\n" . "Name-Comment: $Comment\n" . "Name-Email: $Email\n" . "Expire-Date: $ExpireDate\n" . "Passphrase: $Passphrase\n" . "%commit\n" . "%echo done with success\n"; // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --batch --status-fd 1 --gen-key', $batch_script, $contents) ) { $matches = false; if ( preg_match('/\[GNUPG:\]\sKEY_CREATED\s(\w+)\s(\w+)/', $contents, $matches) ) return $matches[2]; else return true; } else return false; } /** * Encrypt and sign data. * * @param string $KeyID the key id used to encrypt * @param string $Passphrase the passphrase to open the key used to encrypt * @param string $RecipientKeyID the recipient key id * @param string $Text data to encrypt * @return mixed false on error, the encrypted data on success */ function Encrypt($KeyID, $Passphrase, $RecipientKeyID, $Text) { // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --armor --passphrase-fd 0 --yes --batch --force-v3-sigs --trust-model classic' . " --local-user $KeyID --default-key $KeyID --recipient $RecipientKeyID --sign --encrypt", $Passphrase . "\n" . $Text, $contents) ) return $contents; else return false; } /** * Decrypt the data. * * If the decrypted file is signed, the signature is also verified. * * @param string $KeyID the key id to decrypt * @param string $Passphrase the passphrase to open the key used to decrypt * @param string $Text data to decrypt * @return mixed false on error, the clear (decrypted) data on success */ function Decrypt($KeyID, $Passphrase, $Text) { // the text to decrypt from another platforms can has a bad sequence // this line removes the bad date and converts to line returns $Text = preg_replace("/\x0D\x0D\x0A/s", "\n", $Text); // we generate an array and add a new line after the PGP header $Text = explode("\n", $Text); if (count($Text) > 1) $Text[1] .= "\n"; $Text = implode("\n", $Text); // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --passphrase-fd 0 --yes --batch --trust-model classic' . " --local-user $KeyID --default-key $KeyID --decrypt", $Passphrase . "\n" . $Text, $contents) ) return $contents; else return false; } /** * Remove key from the public keyring. * * If secret is specified it try to remove the key from from the secret * and public keyring. * The returned error codes are: * 1 = no such key * 2 = must delete secret key first * 3 = ambiguos specification * * @param string $KeyID the key id to be removed, if this is the secret key you must specify the fingerprint * @param string $KeyKind the kind of the keys, can be secret or public * @return mixed true on success, otherwise false or the delete error code */ function DeleteKey($KeyID, $KeyKind = 'public') { if (empty($KeyID)) { $this->error = 'You must specify the KeyID to delete'; return false; } // validate the KeyKind $KeyKind = strtolower(substr($KeyKind, 0, 3)); if (($KeyKind != 'pub') && ($KeyKind != 'sec')) { $this->error = 'The Key kind must be public or secret'; return false; } // initialize the output $contents = ''; // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --batch --yes --status-fd 1 ' . (($KeyKind == 'pub') ? '--delete-key ': '--delete-secret-keys ') . $KeyID, false, $contents) ) return true; else { $matches = false; if ( preg_match('/\[GNUPG:\]\DELETE_PROBLEM\s(\w+)/', $contents, $matches) ) return $matches[1]; else return false; } } /** * Make a signature on key. * * If the key is not yet signed by the specified user. * * @param string $KeyID the key id used to sign * @param string $Passphrase the passphrase to open the key used to sign * @param string $KeyIDToSign the key to be signed * @param int $CheckLevel the check level (0, 1, 2, 3 -casual to extensive-) * @return bool true on success, otherwise false */ function SignKey($KeyID, $Passphrase, $KeyIDToSign, $CheckLevel = 0) { $contents = ''; // validates the check level $CheckLevel = intval($CheckLevel); if (($CheckLevel < 0) || ($CheckLevel > 3)) { $this->error = 'Invalid Check-Level, the allowed are 0, 1, 2, 3'; return false; } // execute the GPG command if ( $this->_fork_process($this->program_path . ' --homedir ' . $this->home_directory . ' --passphrase-fd 0 --status-fd 1 --yes --batch' . " --default-cert-check-level $CheckLevel --default-key $KeyID --edit-key $KeyIDToSign sign save", $Passphrase . "\n", $contents) ) { $matches = false; if ( preg_match('/\[GNUPG:\]\s[ALREADY_SIGNED|GOOD_PASSPHRASE]/', $contents, $matches) ) return true; else return false; } else return false; } } ?>